Rain is Grinding On My Nerves
I find myself getting a little more irritatable everyday as the week goes on. Perhaps its the rain -- continuous rain that seems to never want to stop that is make me slowly go mad. Little annoyances that usually would be brush offs are being like nails running down a chalk board. ARRRRRGGHHH..
I'm going down to Ottawa to find an apartment next week and am really looking forward to being away from work and teaching for a blissful week and a half. But before then, I have a pile of things on my "to do" list as well as people screaming (ok, maybe it's not really that bad, but sometimes it feels like it!!) from all corners wanting a piece of me (ARGH #2!)
The last two weeks of work have been non stop. One person wants this, another person wants that, it just keeps coming. I'm ONE PERSON!!! I only have ONE pair of hands, ONE brain and ONE body.. I'm sorry!! (ARGH#3!!)
I'm just a cankerous person today! Hmm.. I don't think I've ever had such a cranky post before? Cheer me up, please.
Well, well! I certainly got surprised yesterday! Yesterday morning, my family and I went to Saint John for dim sum (no, that's not the surprise - that was planned!) We had a nice brunch and then headed to Old Navy/Pier 1 Imports to browse.. none of us bought anything except my brother who got a pair of insoles for his shoes (ooo .. what an item!) Anyways, then we headed home because there wasn't much that we wanted to do (plus, I think everyone wanted to take a nap - it's been raining all the time lately and it's just such beautiful nap weather!!)
Anyways, that evening, I thought I was just going out for a simple dinner. Of course, low and behold, when we reached the Dip, there were some other friends there. At first, I didn't realize that they were there to celebrate my birthday, I thought it was just a coincidence?! I only started to figure it out after more people arrived .. hahaha.. I'm so slow!! Anyways, it was really sweet of my friend(s) for planning that for me.. I'm truly touched and it's a birthday I won't forget! "Miss Turtle" - you really surprised me, and you are just too sweet!! What can I say, probably my last birthday in this city - what a nice way "ending"!
I just did 45 minutes of cardio (I felt so bloated last night after eating dim sum, a big salad (yummy - it's my latest fad that has lasted for over a year now.. hhehehe), a piece of cheese cake that was bought by my friend for me (thanks RJ!!), AND a cheesecake that was made by CE & Turtle for me as a birthday cake.. gahhhh..!! Anyways, point is: I ate a lot this weekend and I felt the need to burn some fat :P Gah! BTW, if you haven't tried it, I think Yoga is really great for releasing tension (yes, mentally and physically) and seems to help with burning fat. My theory is because the main focus is on breathing so maybe that has something to do with your metabolism?? (I don't really know, it's just my foolish guess :P)
Alright, gotta go shower and get ready for meeting #1 of the day. Thanks again to all my friends for helping me celebrate yeseterday!!
Come'on rain! Come'on residence! Its raining YET AGAIN and the weather predictions are saying rain til Tuesday.. OMG.. ENOUGH! Anyways, the bigger issue is that I'm going to be homeless come September. Man.. I'm #6 on the waiting list to get into Horizon towers (www.horizontowers.ca) .. aiieeee.. it's now my dream apartment. It'll be expensive and I'll probably be a very broke person by the time my school year is done, but hey, I'll be spending a lot of time there - oui?? Consider my beer money (which is probably where a lot of money goes for students) being invested in my cost of housing.. hehehe! Hmm.. I guess the bigger thing is because of location .. I think my schedule is goign to be pretty busy next year and the last thing I want to do is worry about getting up at 6 to catch the bus for an 8:30 class :P Yesterday was the engineering/science convocation - Congrats to all my friends who graduated! I was surprised to see some of my high school pals there too actually. A couple of people I know from High school and two from elementary school graduated yesterday.. ah man.. when I think of all the time that has gone by since grade school!Besides that, it was a packed day yesterday. One thing after another. Work in the morning til 1, meeting at 1:30, 2:00 convocation ceremony, 5 pick up my mom, 6:00 teach, 7:00-10:00 meeting.. gahhhhh..! I was pretty tired but still couldn't fall asleep.. maybe it was just too much "go-go-go" throughout the day and my body hadn't had a chance to slow down..? I had a similar problem after Winter term of last year.. it took me weeks before I could feel calm again..hehehe.. one of the kids in the preschool fell asleep in the classroom. They have a bunch of stairs for them to sit on, and she's just laying there snoring. It's so adorable because she looks so peaceful and there is also another little boy playing with toys beside (around) her. lol.. Alright. I gotta do more work.. it's been so busy lately. Tata Ps./ Keep your fingers crossed that I will be able to get into Horizon Towers!!

By demand..ekk.. *sigh*
Nice Sweat
Yo yo! Wassup? haha!
I attended a really nice concert on Sunday evening .. wow, I was even close to not going. Anyways, my friend asked me to go as she was part of the Fredericton Chamber Players group. This concert was hosted with the Fredericton Choral Society with the lieutenant governor being the guest narrator. I really enjoyed the first two pieces: Die Weihe Des Hause Overture (Consecration of the Houses) by Beethoven and the A God Disguised, Opus 24 by Larsson. Beethoven's piece was amazing. A lively and lyrical piece that was just delicious!
It really provoked lots of memories of previous concerts I've attended in the past. I remember the time when CCANB managed to get the Su Wen Ching ensemble to come over from Taiwan - the music literally brought tears to my eyes. The audience wouldn't let them go and there were at least 4 encores. The other memorable concert was up in Bathurst.. travelled all the way up there to hear the Vienna Symphony play. Amazing eh? Ludmilia Kneskova Hussey (a famous Russian pianist) managed to bring them over as a finale for her world famous piano competition. I personally really enjoy it when they play pieces I recognize - and of course, they played the famous Blue Daniel for us :D Speaking of recognizable pieces, I remember also being at another concert where the Waltz in C#- (C Sharp Minor) by Chopin was played.. low and behold, I was actually playing that piece myself at the time! (Don't ask me to play it now because I can't remember how to :P)
The latest development in my housing situation is I'm seriously considering living in Residence. It's going to be almost the same pricing as living in a bachelorette pad or even sharing with my friend (as we'd probably need to live riverside (wherever that is :P) and the rent would be about $700/month). I'm thinking of moving to a place called Horizen Towers. It has a gym, swimming pool and is fairly new.. ooo la la!!
Alright.. I'm going to do some yoga (learning it.. gees.. I'm always so sore the next morning -- it really works the muscles though it's so slow moving).
Merdre la plui!
AIYA it's going to rain all week!! ARGH.. I'm SO SICK OF RAIN!!!! Gees..Hmm.. I guess, on the bright side, I should be thankful that I was blessed with beautiful weather on my convocation day last year at this time!
This weekend flew by quickly, as always. Can't believe is Monday again...... SIGGGGGGGGGHhhhhh
I'm counting the days til my vacation.. teeheehee
Oh.. I am officially a TB-free person! Yay! hahah..as if it were going to be anything otherwise. One less thing for me to do :D
I'm not sure if I mentioned this before, but I attended a lecture by Vivienne Poy last week (one of the Senators of Canada) who spoke about "Asian Pride in Canada". As it's Asian Heritage month in Canada, she talked about how different cities across Canada celebrate and why we should celebrate asian heritage month. It was interesting, because one of her main points was that it's about inclusion and not about exclusion - which is sort of what happens, especially in small cities! She also talked about the aspect of first generation Canadian born asians - like me! Anyways, I thought that some of the things she said were pretty insightful because I get the "cultural identity crisis" we frequently go through as CBC's (Canadian Born Chinese for those that don't know). It's sort of like what I saw on Oprah: on one of her shows she was saying that in the Black community, people will be prejudice against you if you are lighter toned and it's as if you don't belong to one sole group even though really, you are all alike. It's just like us CBC's. Especially with first generation CBCs, we can identify with Caucasians really easily because those are our friends.. it's a norm to us. Yet, there is also another side of us that is Chinese but those that were raised in Asia also have this idea formed in their minds that we are all "bananas" (yellow on the outside and white on the inside) or "lemons". It really gets to me when I get singled out like that. I hate it, especially because I feel that people are purposely doing it to make me feel bad about myself. But after discovering more of my "Chinese/Malaysian" side, I have learned that I am PROUD to be a CBC. I am PROUD that I've been able to grow up in Canada and also know enough about BOTH my Chinese heritage AND my Canadian one!
Alright. Gotta go teach. Ciao
Rain AGAIN!?
The cat is away and the mouse has come out to play! HAHA.. I'm so bad these days. Maybe it's because summer is almost here or that my contract is almost finished, but I'm getting lazier and lazier. Actually, in reality, I think it's the influence of other people around the office. If there are people in here chatting with me, forget work.. I'd rather not reconcile the accounts and would rather sit there and waste time.. ooo.. that's so bad.. ok.. I'm going to smarten up now! I went for my TB test on Tuesday and have to go back today to get it "read". It doesn't look like there's been much of a reaction.. it's a tiny bit red but that might be because of the darn needle she gave me (it was a tad more painful than a regular needle or blood test because they insert the ..err.. whatever the solution is on the top layer of skin so that it creates a "bubble"..and plus, the doctor seemed to be out of practice or something because she took quite a while to do it). Wish me luck on my "test" today!Okay..thats all for now.
Hungry with a Pending Test
The first slow down in a long time! I haven't had to suffer such slow moving time at work for a while now.. and boy, is it painful. I guess it's partially because I'm in a "I don't feel like working" mood .. maybe it's because I'm rather tired even though I made it to bed at a decent hour last night. To make matters worse, I'm starving and my stomach is making lots of noise! I'm usually ok without a snack in the morning .. what's wrong with me today!?Anyways, after I work I have to head over to the doctor's office to get a TB test administered. *joy*. I think they give you a needle in your hand and you go back the next day to see the results - I'll be surprised if I have TB! I'm not even sure what that means.. how does that affect you anyways?So our lovely weather is suppose to bring some joy today. The weather report says we'll be going up to 20 degrees C.. yuppi! I'm getting desperate for some nice hot weather!!!!I was going to complete the forms I have to submit to the university today, but I think I have to wait until I find a place to live. ARGH. Or maybe not? Hmm.. the thing is, they keep asking for my 'local address' which I DONT KNOW :P On the other hand, I don't really want to wait until I find a place to stay because that means that all the other misc. errands I have to run before school starts will have to wait til I move over in August.. blehh.. Besides that, still purging junk from my room and trying to find the enthusiasm to organize a family yardsale. :( So little initiative these days :PThe month of May seems to be filled with lots of birthdays. I was sort of surprised to discover so many people shared the same birth month as me. Anyways, it doesnt' feel like anything to get excited about anymore.. perhaps its the old age settling in.. lol.. I remember getting so excited about birthdays and Christmas when I was little.. then anticipation of gifts I suppose. I remember getting a set of markers (all pretty pastel colours, and furthermore, they were Crayola!), one year getting a troll (hey, they were cool back then :P) wearing pink trousers with purple hair (my favorite colour!) .. ahh.. the good ol days when just simple little things like that would bring such excitement into my little life..I miss the innocence of those days.. I'm so lazy .. bye!
A New Chapter?
Ya, as most of you can see, the title of my blog is no more. I mean, I've changed it. Nervy (for those that know what the heck I'm talking about) is splat on the sidewalk. I guess a combination of distance, time and not so fun experience communicating with technologically inept people (long story) just took it all out of us.. so no more websites for the time being!
Anyways.. Mothers Day is tomorrow and as my family is at the moment trying to purge as many items as possible from our house, no gifts allowed. So, tonight we had dinner at the Lobster Hut, on me. Boy - what a drain on my wallet! Ah well.. my mom was happy, and that's what counts, right?
Recently, I watched an episode of Oprah that had David Bach on it. He's the author of some books on dealing with finances and how to become rich. I went out and bought myself a copy of "Smart Women Finish Rich". It's not so much about me being rich, but more of how I should be investing my finances in order for me not to be in a hole at any time in my life. I guess it's a sign of age.. I'm beginning to concern myself over my finances and how I'm going to be able to retire (HAHAH.. unbelievable that I'm thinking about it, but hey, the earlier you start, the better off you are!) without living in a tent.
I've had the feeling that I'm in such a different spot in my life compared to some other people that are either my age or even older than me. Why on earth am I so concerned about money and health these days? I guess it's not a bad thing, but some people may consider this to be a tad fuddy duddy? I see some people going out on shopping sprees, purchasing new digital cameras and mp3 players, etc.. on "mommy and daddy's money" and I think to myself "shouldn't you feel guilty for spending your parents money like that at this age?" .. Hmm..
All this has led me to think that rich kids don't understand the value of money. As they say, it's a cycle: three generations of rich followed by three generations of poor. Sort of sad eh? I know I'm really really REALLY blessed at the way my parents have provided for us. Not having to worry about student loans is already a really huge burden lifted off my shoulders. I know people who already owe $20,000 and they still have 1 or 2 years left to go... yikes! My goal is probably to be able to achieve what my parents achieved financially.. I'd be pretty satisfied with that. Oo ya.. last thing that ties in with this subject, my mom brought a book back that's called "Rich dad, poor dad" by Robert Kiyosaki which she made me go out and buy (she has the Chinese version which she thinks is oddly translated) and highly recommends it to everyone. Maybe this book has something to do with rich kids spending habits? (Shall I say, their latte and double latte factors? teeheehee!!)
Anyhow, I believe I've finally come to a conclusion for when I'll be travelling down to Ontario to apartment hunt. It's probably going to be a 10 day trip leaving on June 1st.
Okie Dokie.. early to bed tonight.. got a loooong day ahead of me tomorrow :(
Plans Plans Plans
Hehhe.. it feels like it's been a long time since I posted... was it this past Monday or last Monday? Oh well, I'm here now, so be happy! (hehehe.. well, maybe I should say, I'll do my best to get you to crack a smile as you read these words).
Anyways, lots of planning to do in the next few months, but still lots of questions hanging in the air. I hope to be able to take around 7 days off at the beginning of June to go and apartment hunt (and drop by Toronto for a day or so at the same time). It turns out that one of my friends applied to Med School down in Ottawa, so if all goes well and she decides to come, we may be sharing a place together (YA!). We won't really be able to find out til the end of the May, so I just gotta sit tight for a while to find out whether I should hunt for a 2 bedroom or a bachelorette pad. Ah.. and it seems too, my list of things that I need is just endless.. GRrrr..it's only two terms of school too!
Life seems to be changing drastically these days. Straight ahead full blast.
The weather has caused lots of insane flooding around Fton. The river actually went up and flooded people's homes that were across the street from the river! :O There are some pretty incredibly aerial pictures posted here: http://www.gnb.ca/public/Riverwatch/May_03_05/index.htm
I mean, even the million dollar bridge to no where had no access via the walking path near the river! Also, the little house that was close to the docks was under water.. it looked sooooo WEIRD! People are saying its worse than the flood in the Early 90s.. hmm.. I can't seem to remember what the flood was like back then, though I vaguely remember a lot of talk of flooding.
There hasn't been much news in my life lately (as they say, no news is good news?). I am trying to get my act together and get all the things that I need to get done done! (it's not going very well, I am finely trained in the art of procrastination). At the moment I still need to get the paperwork done for a new passport, submit my paperwork to U of Ottawa (plus get my TB test done), figure out what I'm going to bring down, and try to get rid of lots of junk throughout this house.. we need a yardsale!
I guess that's enough rambling for now. Sorry for being rather boring today :P I'll try to do something more exciting so I can post about it later..hehehe!
ps./ Wish me luck in trying to convince myself to go to the pool later
pps./ For those who have been nagging for people pictures, I will take some when I go on my trip .. so be patient :P