Sunday, November 09, 2008

Christmas Yet?

I'm feeling like getting ready for the Christmas's a bit early. Plus, it feels like Christmas will not be Christmas over here. I mean, no snow... no space for a tree... how is that Christmas?! How is it Christmas without SNOW!?

Speaking of snow.... I MISS it. Maybe I shouldn't have written it like seems to be in a way, taboo here. Whenever I say I'm from NB, people respond..."you must be loving the weather over here! It's so mild here! No SNOW!".. umm.. right... I suppose I will love that Spring comes earlier in the season.. but I miss my snow!! I miss seeing it fall, miss feeling cosy, miss the excitement of a big snow STORM!! I love it when the city shuts down and it's so silent and peaceful outside.... no more of that for me.....

Anyways, I'm also feeling like I'm on the countdown to the last few days on the job. I'm just starting to get into it too. I feel like I'm finally starting up a routine (not even completely into the routine) and it's time to finish up. Gee. I'm still not sure I'd like to do resource 100% of the time at the moment. I'm enjoying it in that I'm learning a lot and that it's a lot more of an "academic" challenge than of a management challenge. However, I really miss having my own group of kids and getting to know them and work with them on a daily basis.

My course work is keeping me really busy.. trying to read the endless amounts of notes and the textbooks plus posting and doing assignments is really time consuming! Lately, I've been thinking of going back to do my Masters... for now though, I think I'll wait until I get into a permanent job before heading in that direction. Why am I waiting? I'm not sure... perhaps a very tiny part of me is worried that I may end up leaving this field if I can't find something permanent in a few years.

I'm sure I've mentioned it before... the grass is greener on the other side.. it's so funny that I should miss NB these days. I guess being stuck in traffic all the time and being in a place where I don't really know too many people can be very frustration and isolating sometimes. I catch myself thinking "I should go to Odell park this afternoon" and then quickly realize that, no, that is not possible. I've even been frequently dreaming of my old home... sometimes they are nightmares of moving (literally) or just really weird dreams of strangers living in my house. I mean, I grew up there, spent over 20 years there, knew every nook, cranny, dent... and now, someone else is living there?? It's hard to process sometimes. On the flip side of it, I think back at how excited we were to "start fresh" and I realize that this was a good decision. In reality, I flip on a day-to-day basis if not an hour-to-hour basis. Give it a few years, and I'm sure I'll settle into a good place.

OK.. I've got to get back to my assignment.. as you probably guessed, I've been using this as a distraction from working :P Typical.. .somethings will never change ;)


At 8:15 a.m., Blogger Jordan said...

If it makes you feel better, NB has been surprisingly temperate this year. We still haven't had our first snowfall, and we usually do by halloween.

At 12:27 p.m., Blogger jaryee said...

Thought you guys had a storm a few weeks back? Hmm.. I assumed it hit you when it hit Ontario. STILL... you guys will get snow while I get "horizontal rain"... :P


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