Monday, August 18, 2008

I'm Not Sure...

I'm not sure whether I should be hopeful or whether I should be depressed. OK, I know it's a straight forward decision - why be depressed if you can be hopeful? Actually, I should just try to "not care" in a way so that things can fall in place as they are meant to be.

Alright, backing up a step so that people can actually follow what I am trying to say: Last week, I received a phone call from a man from a school board that is located in some remote location in northern BC. I did not apply for any positions up there, but he saw my portfolio on applytoteach (kind of like the teacher version of Anyhow, he wanted an interview with me, but after he describe where they were located, I tried to politely decline. I'm after a long term position where I will NOT need to do all this paperwork and shoe licking ever again!!

Last week, we also discovered an ad in the paper for an English teacher (2 mornings a week) at a school in the French school board. I just got off the phone with the principal and she sounded like she was pretty desperate for a qualified teacher. One side of me can see myself becoming excited for this position because it'll allow me to be in the classroom on a regular basis with the same children each time, but the other side of me thinks: what are the long term benefits? Will it make me unavailable for a full time position? I was up front with her in saying that I was ideally looking for something full time, but at this point in time, I would be delighted to teach at her school. Anyhow, I might as well give it a shot as nothing better has come up right now... at least I'll have SOMETHING to do..??

Enough about job hunting. Life in Richmond.. I haven't really said much about what it's like living on the west coast, have I? I'm still not 100% convinced that I love it here. The culture, although we are still in Canada, is a bit different from that of the east coast. I can't quite put my finger on it, but there's something different. Driving around Richmond and even Vancouver/Burnaby/Coquitlam, you can tell you are not on the east coast. The houses are a mixture of different cultures.. you can see some different styles from different countries engrained in the architecture of the homes around this area.

I think the reason I'm not 100% sold on living here yet is because of the job situation and that we have not met very many people. On top of that, CE & I are still living with my parents so it's not like we are being independent at the moment. As much as I want to be close to them and to help them in any way I can, I still want my independence (i.e. freedom). Anyhow, this will come with time.. I just need to find my patience!!

The plus side to life over here is that there's soooo much available here that wasn't available in NB. FOOD. OMG FOOD. So many different things to try, so little money and so few calories available!! haha! I think that it's going to take me quite a while before I can truly determine whether I feel comfortable living here.. I find myself comparing it to life in Ottawa.. why was I able to be so comfortable so quickly over there and not here? Perhaps it was because I met lots of new people right off the bat? Was it the culture? Was it because I had been there numerous times before actually moving there? I wonder...

Anyhow, I think that's all for now. Hopefully I won't wait as long between posts. There's no excuse of being "too busy" as there was last year at this time!


At 6:48 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did u say yummy "FOOD"? :P..tat makes me hungry. Please post some nice pictures!!


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