Thursday, April 10, 2008

Missing Child...

Our school's home and school association hosted a movie (Waterhorse) after school this afternoon in the school theatre. I left around 5pm today (early by my standards) and just received a call from my colleague about a half hour ago.

She said, after I left, an announcement came on asking all staff to help search for a student who belonged in my class. Good lord. They were calling and calling him for over 30 minutes and were starting to get frantic as they had searched the entire school, the yard and the vicinity. No student. Finally, one of the parents (or someone) said they were going to drive around to see if they had any luck. Low and behold.. where did they find him?! WALKING home.

Now, this is not just a short walk home for those of you who do not know the area. This would probably take a good 40 minutes for an adult to walk, nevermind a THIRD GRADER!! I can't believe he took it upon himself to walk him because he thought nobody was going to pick him up. It just reinforces our suspicions that he is NOT receiving the proper parenting at home that he needs. (This is the same child that is being referred to mental health) ..

Thank god he is safe is all I can say. I don't know how I would have reacted if I had still been at the school or if he hadn't been found.


At 12:31 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

JY need to chillax to the rillax! lol


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