Thursday, June 25, 2009

April, May.. and now June

Is it a record?? I haven't posted for almost 3 months.. in fact, I have been debating discontinuing this blog altogether considering I have a feeling I don't have any readers??

So the school year is over! It's a bit surreal right now because I feel like I am not nearly as burnt out as I was last year. I suppose it was the half time I put in for most of the year? Anyways, maybe I should recap the last few months.

Following Delta Manour, I went to a school called Jarvis Elementary to take over a maternity leave position as a learning support teacher. This school was quite different from the first I was at.. their model of learning support was more of a team based approach that provided a lot of in-class support. I had a great time at this school and fit in so much better than the first (not that the first school was bad or anything, but Jarvis was just a better fit).

Anyhow, I could go on but it's a bit of a mundane topic, so I'll just summarize. I was laid off at the beginning of April as expected (anyone with less than 4 years was laid off) and my principal really went out on a limb to help me. SO.. as of today, I have a half time as a Mainstream support teacher (resource teacher who focuses on kids who have medical conditions such as cerebral palsy, autism, diabetes; students with behaviour issues and those who have a mild to severe intellectual disability). I'm trying to get out of that job for many, many reasons.. in fact, I'm awaiting the results of a 0.9 position of Learning Support/Kindergarten teacher at another school.

In other news, we've been renovating our new place.. it's still a crazy mess. Nothing is simple here.. we stripped wallpaper and discovered that the previous owners had not primed the walls before putting wallpaper now, we have sooo many holes to repair. I'm hoping to get our walls painted ASAP this summer.

Alright. Enough for now. Send me a comment if anyone is out there :)


At 8:53 a.m., Blogger Jordan said...

*waves* I do a quick check my blog-roll once a week during lunch, and most of the blogs that I check are updated much less often than yours. ;-)

At 8:20 a.m., Blogger jaryee said...

hey Jordan!
How are things? I've been thinking about you and Vern. What is she up to??

At 10:58 a.m., Blogger Jordan said...

Good. Boring, but good.

Her sister's been home the last couple of weeks (she's due in October, I think), so she's been busy doing stuff with her.

We went for a 12km hike on the Fundy Trail last weekend-- just about killed me.

She started a new job this week-- too soon to say if she'll like it or not.


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