Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Some Friendships Never End

It's been more than a week since I've updated.. guilty as charged! I guess I was semi-lazy and semi-occupied. I'm exhausted. Can't sleep well.. keep waking up in the middle of the night and dream a lot.. hmm.. I think I've said that before on here. Anyways, it's starting to add up and with me helping my piano teacher/nighbour/friend move yesterday ... EXHAUSTING!!

Well, as my title says, some friendships never end. Why do I say that after my spew about bitter tasting rotten apples the other day? I met up with one of my closet old friends and had a very nice chat with him.. that made me feel really great, then I received emails from another two old close friends which was also a great feeling AND had a very nice dinner and lunch with my piano teacher these last few days which was also very helpful to me. I mean, yes, there is still a bitterness left over from the rotten friendships I've had in the last few years, but I've decided that, besides a few new friends, I'm going to focus on a) catching up with my older friends that are always still there for me and b) meet new people of another type and group. Life is short, I should surround myself with people who I care about and who care about me!

Here's the sentimental parts (beware!!):
Some of the friendships I developped in high school, are really some of the most meaningful friendships I think I will ever have. When we meet up, we've always got lots to talk about (no awkward moments and silences!!) and I really feel like they care about me, it's not just "lets see how I can benefit from this friendship". Three friendships from high school stick out the most, you guys should know who you are, I've been in contact lately!! :P

Besides my high school friendships, another group that makes me extremely comfortable to be around are my CBC friends. Ah yes.. we have lots of fun together because we grew up together. We love to reminse about things such as Christmas parties where we'd be hiding from the scary Santa Claus who'd make us kiss him in order to get our gifts or how we'd go into the band room and bang around on those drums (boy we were BAD BAD kids). So many fond memories, sometimes I feel so inspired to write all these stories down .. but what would I do with them??

As I mentioned before, my piano teacher has made a huge impact on my life. Not only in terms teaching me to appreciate music and play piano, but so many life lessons. She encouraged me, always believed in me, and taught me many values, especially those that deal with how to treat people. She's a inspiration to me because she accepts everyone for who they are, is loved by so many and the list goes on and on.. I can't even list out strengths because there are just so many that I don't really know where to start!! I really didn't realize how much she meant to me until her husband passed away. I can really say I'm proud when she introduces me to people as her "2nd daughter" because she really is more than just a piano teacher or neighbor or even just a plain friend to me!!

OMG, thats SO MUSHY and corny. Sorry, sorry, sorry!! I'll stop with that now. I just had a sudden urge to write down some thoughts even though I'm sure I could go on and on for pages if I really let myself. I think I just have this "need" to try to write something meaningful and be able to touch people's hearts or inspire them through things I've learned in my "young life". Opps .. starting to get a bit mushy again eh? hehe.. I probably should shut up :P

My Chinese class is finished the first book.. trying to prepare review sheets for them in forms of activities and games. Boy o boy its time consumming and I'm racking my brains trying to come up with something fun and interesting. UGH. I wish I had more TIME to dedicate to it. I still have one more CS assignment to do and I haven't even STARTED studying for it's FINAL!!! :S It's on December 7th.. *shiver*.. I hope I don't flunk!

Alrighty, I am going to head to bed.. so so so pooped out now. Ciao.

Friday, November 12, 2004

Christmas is around the corner

Ahh its Friday! Yesterday was a nice break from the usual hussle and bustle of life (Remembrance Day). Was watching the news for a bit and saw some of the ceremonies across Canada.. really felt sort of emotional when I saw those veterns marching, and when they showed the various ceremonies around the world (like those peacekeepers in Iraq, memorial in England, etc..) Did you know that even those first Chinese immigrants were involved in WWII? Actually, that was the beginning of the acceptance of Chinese immigrants into Canada.. (yeah, I actually did read about that somewhere)

This weekend will be like the usual.. prepare for Chinese School, teach and probably ATTEMPT to start my cs assignment earlier. The nice nice ever so nice prof released the assignment the day after we passed our previous one in.. that and he told us that the last assignment is going to be released on the day this one is due!! GRRR.. we only have 6 days in between the last assignment and our exam to study.. NICE EH!!!

I started to think a lot about friendships lately.. what defines a good friend, how can we tell people are actually sincere to us, what expectations are too much, what are too little? It's all rather confusing.. and to tell you the truth, its rather frustrating sometimes when you meet those "sour apples".. ah...I've had many sour apples in the last 4 years that I think it's left a "bitter taste" in my mouth.. that and I wonder if there's something wrong with me.. *sigh* (sad)

Alright.. I'm really hungry now.. it's almost 1 so I'm going for lunch. Have a nice weekend people.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Most expensive piece of paper you will ever acquire in your life (hopefully) Posted by Hello

Halloween with the kids Posted by Hello

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Simply Amazing

How can someone get sick without feeling it come!? I feel like I have a cold now. great. Even a flu shot can't do anything!? It was really weird though, I didn't feel it coming, and all of a sudden - BAM! I had that "hot air" feeling in the middle of teaching Chinese school on Sunday. Now I just feel like I have a cold..*sigh*

I'm looking forward to a night of nothing to do. I want to watch tv and be lazy. Sleep would be good too, and reading. I want to go get some good books...already eyeing some from the best seller list..heheh.. in fact I've been thinking of them so much I may just go and pick them up after work. Ah.. so many things to buy and so little money to spend!!

Seems like another slow day at work today, although it's not.. it's more of me not having the initiative to do anything cuz I feel so crappy. Kind of getting the chills .. arrrgggg I can't believe I have another cold!!! *sigh*.. university has really done a number on my body.

Had a nice little chat with one of my close friends that moved away the other day..I miss having close girlfriends around :( Not much to giggle and be silly with with guys..:P ahh..

Not really too much to update.. haven't done anything too exciting.. it's been pretty much all work and not much play - except for watching a movie.. watched "The Forgotten" last week.. it was not what I expected. I thought it was a mind game movie, something like "The Game", but of course, it was all because of aliens.. bleh.. turned out to be a semi-horror movie. Anyways, what I'd really like to watch is The Incredibles and some nice Christmas movies.. I'm already in the mood for Christmas and winter.. weird eh?! (although not ready for christmas cards and christmas shopping :P)

I feel like going on a trip this Christmas. Maybe to Montreal or a big shopping city. hehehe.. ahhh .. it would be so so nice to go visit Simone in Vancouver.. but unfortunately, it's SO EXPENSIVE to FLY! Costs an arm and a leg.. bleh...

Alright, thats all.. ciao

Monday, November 08, 2004

My Sweet Tooth is Acting Up

Ahhhhh why!?!?!? I am suffering from another case of "hot air".. umm.. ya, for those who don't understand what I'm talking about.. it's that feeling you get that you are about to be sick due to lack of sleep, not drinking enough water, or eating too much junk food (or all of the above). I think my problem is SLEEP.. amazing ain't it?? Haven't slept well and haven't slept enough.. been having lots of nightmares.. the latest one I remember is apparantly CSI-like.. crazy freaking scary!!

Anyways, back to my complaints about hot air.. I feel like the roof of mouth is burning.. anyone get that feeling before!? It SUCKS!! It's sore to swallow.. is it the signs that I'm going to get a sore throat or what is the problem!? Geesh.. think it's also too dry or something.. maybe thats why..whoever knows, tell me!!

Hehe.. so my sweet tooth is a very interesting subject. I should say my sweet teeth cuz really, all my teeth are sweet. kekeke.. Ahh.. it's soo easy to fall into the habit of eating sweet stuff, or greasy stuff. I've cut back a lot of grease, but now to stop eating so much chocolate.. mmmm chocolate.. yummy. HEHE.. anyways, I think I gained a bit of weight back during Halloween.. but I'm working on it.. back to being good .. I was doing pretty well for most of the summer and up til October u know!!! Junk food was kind of calling me.."jy .. jy... know I'm know you want to..." hahaha ahhhhh me and my cravings :S

Alright, going to stop here.. feeling a bit SICK even though I had a FLUSHOT.. geeshh...just got it and already, it's not working. My mom and dad both had it too, and they aren't feeling good. Oddly, only my brother didnt have a flu shot, and he's fine.. what does that tell you?!

Friday, November 05, 2004

Unknown Answers

HAHA, my title is a perfect description for my assignment but more so for the US election! Who would have guessed that they would have proceeded with SUCH caution before announcing the President.. I guess they really are being extra careful to avoid 2000's election problems...kekek.. what a hoot. Anyway, lets not go into politics here.. next!

Let me see.. I can't remember what I said during my last post.. but I'll start talking about Halloween.. it was pretty fun with my class.. only three kids dressed up.. but thats ok. They were all really excited about our "party".. basically we just had some snacks and played a few low key games. They are improving though, although two of the kids are learning faster because I think they actually study, one is doing semi-ok.. and there are 3 students with whom I'd like to see better progress (of course, one of them is only 5, so it's kind of hard for her to keep up with the rest of the class.. going to have to find something for her to work on). Ahh.. I think I spend entirely too much time on Chinese School.. does that mean something? I think it's back in my mind that I have to go get a degree in education.. maybe it will actually be fun because I am interested in a lot of the readings about education. Anyway, back to the topic of Chinese School. As I might have mentioned before, it's done a 180 degree change since I was last there. All the CBC's (Chinese Born Canadians) don't go to school anymore and most of the kids there are kids that just immigrated from China. It's great that they are participating with the school, but where are the rest of the kids!?!?!? Seems like nobody on this year's committee is really doing much to change the problem, not that they brought it on.. it was a problem that was coming full speed ahead for quite some time. The kids don't want to go to Chinese school because it's boring and they don't learn anything.. I DON'T BLAME THEM!! We used to just sit there and listen to the teacher blahing.. and the whole time, not really knowing what the heck he was talking about!? I think the biggest problem was that the classes were mixed.. I was the oldest student (18) and the youngest was in grade 4 (age 8-9).. furthermore, the younger students knew more than the older ones because they actually studied Chinese in China for 2 or more years!!! GAH.. felt so stupid.. but really, even the older kids in my class weren't CBCs.. so :P to them!

Anyways, on with the topic.. I've talked to some of the older members that have been actively involved with CCANB or some that were involved with founding CCANB, and they actively support the things I've been saying about the school. So, we are going to try to help turn the problem around. I hope it doesn't get messy within the community, the last thing I want to do is offend people, but I really don't think CCANB can continue the way it is. Afterall, the organization was founded with the reason that they wanted to provide the CBC's in F'ton with an opportunity to learn Chinese!!

Nov 3/04

HEHEHEHE I did it again :p It's now Friday. It SNOWED last night and the weather has been really BLEH today. It's been snowing and raining.. what a MESS. BUT, I feel like Xmas is on the way.. should be a happy holiday type feeling in the air soon. I've started to think of my Xmas shopping list .. going to keep it low key this year. I should start writing my xmas letters and cards soon.. I hope to do a better job than last year....

Lately I've been missing some friends that I haven't gotten to talk with a lot since going to University.. ahh.. I miss my sister/cousin too.. I want to ask her opinion and advice on some things! Funny how life takes you on these paths.. takes you to some important people in your life, takes you to people who are not such an "asset" to your life, and takes you past both of them too sometimes. (though it seems that it takes you past the ones that are more important than you and keeps the annoying ones splat in front of you too long!?!?!?)

Anyways, I should finish up this blog. I have another freaking CS assignment due on Monday and it's nowhere near finished *sigh*.. another busy weekend for me. I want to just relax.. been so tired lately.

OK.. ciao