My Sweet Tooth is Acting Up
Ahhhhh why!?!?!? I am suffering from another case of "hot air".. umm.. ya, for those who don't understand what I'm talking about.. it's that feeling you get that you are about to be sick due to lack of sleep, not drinking enough water, or eating too much junk food (or all of the above). I think my problem is SLEEP.. amazing ain't it?? Haven't slept well and haven't slept enough.. been having lots of nightmares.. the latest one I remember is apparantly CSI-like.. crazy freaking scary!!Anyways, back to my complaints about hot air.. I feel like the roof of mouth is burning.. anyone get that feeling before!? It SUCKS!! It's sore to swallow.. is it the signs that I'm going to get a sore throat or what is the problem!? Geesh.. think it's also too dry or something.. maybe thats why..whoever knows, tell me!!
Hehe.. so my sweet tooth is a very interesting subject. I should say my sweet teeth cuz really, all my teeth are sweet. kekeke.. Ahh.. it's soo easy to fall into the habit of eating sweet stuff, or greasy stuff. I've cut back a lot of grease, but now to stop eating so much chocolate.. mmmm chocolate.. yummy. HEHE.. anyways, I think I gained a bit of weight back during Halloween.. but I'm working on it.. back to being good .. I was doing pretty well for most of the summer and up til October u know!!! Junk food was kind of calling me.."jy .. jy... know I'm know you want to..." hahaha ahhhhh me and my cravings :S
Alright, going to stop here.. feeling a bit SICK even though I had a FLUSHOT.. geeshh...just got it and already, it's not working. My mom and dad both had it too, and they aren't feeling good. Oddly, only my brother didnt have a flu shot, and he's fine.. what does that tell you?!
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