Thursday, October 21, 2004

For Pete's Sake

Aiya! I thought my assignment was due yesterday at 5pm and little did I know it wasn't due til Friday at 5pm!!! GEEE!!! At least I found out before I handed it in.. I was in such a tired state and still had questions to solve.. argh. This CS assignment is long and messed up.. some questions were put incorrectly, then some of pseudocode that they wanted us to use wasn't done very well (there were missing statements) so... !!!!

heheh lucky the profs were away this week ..cuz I was working on my assignment at the office - thats why I didn't post on Tuesday or Wednesday.. was busy working on my assignment..kekeke .. so nauti! That + working on it at night, still didn't get it done :( Feel like I have no free time to do things that I enjoy.. like go watch a movie, go to the library, go to Chapters and read, etc.. *sigh*

The pool is going to be closed on Saturday for a swim meet.. means I gotta go today.. decided to go to the 5:30 adult lap. I went last night and the pool wasn't full for once.. OMG, I could actually see the ripples I made and not the ones other people made!! :O WOW!!! hahahah

Leaves are starting to fall off the trees now...mmm.. it's lucky we took pictures that weekend or else we would have missed the opportunity. It rained so much these last few weeks.. lucky me, sunny when I'm sick and rainy when I'm not :P BLEH..

Speaking of sick, there's another round of the flu going around.. heard people are getting fever and err.. fever and coughing... a co-worker has it, another co-worker has been fighting it, one of the kids from my Chinese school class is sick.. please, please, please..
not me.. please??

Okay, I gotta go now..


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