Blah blah blah and more blah!!
Hmm.. I just noticed my titles are often grouchy..teeheehee! Oh well :PI am getting a tad testy now because of my apartment situation. We still haven't received the lease because someone is still auditing it to make sure everything is ok.. (omg). Besides signing that, we still have to get our renters insurance in check. The big complication is that our lease is beginning in July while we are actually moving in August. So why begin in July, right? WELL, my friend who is currently living in Ottawa has a bunch of furniture that she's selling to me before she leaves for Vancouver - at the end of July. Originally, I thought I may have to rent out some storage space, but then it seemed like the miracle of all miracle that Minto (rental company) offered July for free - and only July. What is more perfect that having my friend drop off the stuff in my apartment?? The problem is: INSURANCE! Bah humbug! Apparantly State Farm doesn't allow you to be insured unless you personally go in and get your paperwork done. So they are now telling me that I need to set up a policy here and arrange for it to be transferred when we go over.. I hope it works.
The other 'fun' part of my moving ordeal is shipping. The cost to rent a U-haul is insane! It's the cost of rental + mileage.. those trucks you see on the road.. INSANE PRICES!! GAH!! It's lucky I don't have that much stuff.. but still.. *sigh*. We also need to pay for moving costs in Ottawa.. from my friend's place to mine.. I think it's going to be at least $60.. but it's definitely cheaper in all that purchasing new furniture. Anyways.. everything is $$$$! Who said money can't buy happiness?? hehe
I feel like a lunatic sometimes. These past few weeks have been especially lunatic-ish for me. I just found out this morning that someone had 'kindly' agreed to having the dragon participate in the parade in Canterbury.. EHHH.. WHO SAID SO!?!?!? So this Friday, we get to be in TWO parades. BLEH.. I'm already wondering whether we're going to survive the one here! With this heat, it'll be a miracle that nobody passes out. Anyways, back to this whole Canterbury deal.. apparantly they love Chinese culture over there and are really really looking forward to having the dragon in the parade, we are finding it really hard to back out. It'll look bad for the association and it'll disappoint the people (??). *Sigh*.. I really do not want to go because it'll mean that I have to leave the house at 10am and be out til 5:30pm and return at who knows what hour. It takes about 45 minutes to drive to Canterbury so by the time we reach Fton, we'll have to go directly to the parade line up. I must be really old to be dreading Friday this much! But gah.. this heat is really getting to me!!
I was going over my old blogs last night and found out that I've posted over 100 entries! WOW! Pretty impressive eh?? It'll be a year of blogging in August.. how fast time flies (I wonder how many times I've said that..hehehe).
Alright.. gotta go.. ciao