Hot hot hot hot!!
Wow.. the weather is nuts. It goes from chilly to hot just like that (I'm snapping my fingers). Today is a sweaty 34C out. I'm not really complaining because I'd rather it be like this than -40C out..hehe.. another reason why I'm not complaining is because I've spent the better part of the day in the basement where it's nice and cool. Clothes dry really well in this weather - we've done three loads and they dry in no time flat.. it's wonderful!!I've been trying to get some things organized just now, and it's sort of making me freak out. Canada Day is this coming Friday and I'm not really trusting that some stuff is going to get done even though people say they are going to do it. Bleh.. I've so many things to do the last thing I want to be doing is leaning over someone's shoulder to check if things are getting completed. *sigh*
I'm not sure I mentioned it before (knowing me, I probably have), but I've managed to get myself into so many organizing committees: Canada Day, Summer Camp, New CCANB Initiative, and Youth Group (I'm the advisor this year and I'm trying to steer them in a different direction plus they are now trying to plan the camping trip). Oh ya, I'm also trying to plan my move and figure out what I need to get once I'm there.. ARGGGGG.. I'm having an internal crazy attack! (Thank goodness the school year ended.. I'd really go nuts if I still had to teach Chinese and piano).
Ahh.. ok.. I've gotta go before I go nuts!!! Gotta go do something! Ciao!!
So, is the heat better than the cool weather? For most of May everyone I heard from back home just mentioned how wet and cold it was. Vancouver has been, well, rather nice. It's been hovering at about 20C for a few weeks, and surprisingly it hasn't even rained much lately.
And I hope you manage to avoid that whole going crazy thing with all this stuff you have to do.
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