I'm Back!
Heheh.. it's been a week since I came back from Apartment hunting in Ottawa. Yes, I found a place.. it's near the medical campus and only a 10 minute bus ride away from the main campus. I'm still in the process of applying and such stuff.. hopefully everything will get settled by month end.The first day of apartment hunting was actually pretty depressing. I was pretty frustrated because each place we looked at was either dirty, in a questionable neighbourhood or the management seemed snotty/sleazy. It was much better the 2nd day but the amount that some of the places were asking for was "oh my gahhhhh". Anyways, I hit it lucky the day before I came back home.. thank goodness!!
Anyways, besides apartment hunting.. lots of hanging out with friends in Ottawa. We had a BBQ on the weekend which was really enjoyable (great weather too), so I got to visit Costco (apparantly I have great buying potential!) which was GREAT!! (Man, the candy aisle can make a person go ga-ga). The day we were suppose to head down to Niagara Falls was hilarious. The Ottawa gang was pulling all types of reasons to convince us to stay: "let's go have dim sum before you leave" then, "you haven't tried the best bubble tea in town.. it's better than TO's!" AND, "you haven't gone to the casino".. and finally "ooo we're going to go have mussel with the winnings". (we did all of the above before finally hitting the road). Aww.. they are sweet aren't they??
Niagara Falls was pretty fun too. We went through one of the casinos (no gambling.. it was really smokey in there) and I finally got to visit Hershey's Factory. MAN.. did you know that they rip you off in there!? I was thinking of buying some stuff to bring back.. then I took a look at the prices and they turned out to be more expensive than what you'd get for the same product at Walmart! Tisk! Well, CE and I did end up getting a brownie which we kindly shared with Turtle & Yeoh ;) (yummy.. eh guys??)
We stopped by Scarborough (TO) but didn't get to spend very much time there. Mostly ate and went to T&T and loaded up on food (HAHAHAH!!!). I think the cashier must have had a heart attack when she saw me checking out.. everything was junk food - a cart load of it! Well, most of the stuff was for my family - particularly my dad. He LOVES those cookies and bread that you get there.. he was pretty delighted to see all of it when I got back ;) We also made a discovery that all their bread goes on sale at around 8pm.. Dennis was pretty happy with his deal.. I had to laugh when I saw the big grin on his face when he got his special discount ...lol!!
Wish I had more time to spend in TO so that I could have met up with more friends... no worries, there is always next time! ^_^
The trip went by entirely too fast.. I really couldn't believe how fast a week went.. *sigh*. I wasn't ready to go back to work, but it did feel refreshing to be away for a bit. I didn't feel nearly so "ARGH" about going to the office this week (hmm.. well, maybe sort of but for different reasons). This trip was very much different from previous road trips with friends to Ontario. Before, we always had this schedule.. go here, go there.. this person wants to do that, this person wants to do this, etc.. This time, we didn't really have an agenda (besides house hunt and go to Niagara Falls (which wasn't really planned to the minute!!!)) AND we seemed to move faster than previous groups?? There wasn't so much of this wait 2 hours for people to get up and ready in the morning (that really killed my schedules).. all in all, it was a pretty good trip, I give it an A!!
I'm getting more excited about moving down there. I'm sort of losing sense of time because I feel like I'll be moving in what feels like tomorrow, yet there's still quite a few weeks before I really do leave this place!
Hmm.. I'm really at a 50/50 place right now. I still love this city for very many DIFFERENT reasons than loving the big city. I mean, the summer feeling of peace.. neighbors mowing their lawns, chatting with other neighbors, the kids outside laughing and playing, the pleasant feeling when you see everyone casually strolling along the riverside enjoying the weather and the view... the tiny things about this place.. know what I mean?
Alright.. this seems like a pretty long blog.. I've been typing for at least 20 minutes. Must save some blabbing for the next entry (still lots of things to play catch up on!!) ;)
You came to Scarlem and you didn't look me up? Glad I'm important to people... :(
Jeff and I kidnapped her while she was in TO.
We'll meet up next time.. time was short this trip!
Darnit YB, the Dynamic-ish Duo has foiled me again! ;)
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