Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Another Day

I'm still pondering over yesterday's news.. thinking of the meaning of life and at the same time the irony of life. I'm not quite sure how to explain it .. to anyone and to myself. On one hand, we want to enjoy life.. but I'm pretty sure that doesn't mean we should be going out and having fun every moment of every day..yet work seems to make our lives become so mechanical and generic to every other human being?? hmm..

Anyways, on with a new topic. The weather is finally starting to get on my nerves today. Its become really muggy and the humidity is making it hard to breathe.. the forecast keeps predicting showers or thundershowers.. but I don't think we've actually had any (watch us get them on Canada Day - the day I don't want it to rain!!). Even though the minute you step out of the shower you start to get sticky with sweat again, I still think it's better than -40 degree weather ;)

So Canada Day is this Friday. Man.. can you believe it's almost July?! 2 more months before school starts up again... hmmmm!! One more month to get ready to move. I still haven't even received the lease from the company yet! I guess I'd better get cracking with getting everything finalized and make myself make some decisions (like what company to go with for the MAJORLY important INTERNET!!).. heheh

It's practically become a tradition that CCANB participate in the parade. We're in it again and yours truly here is the coordinator (actually, the co-coordinator, but my co-coordinator is 90% MIA). We're doing the usual, but this year, we have to survive the entire route WITHOUT a gasoline powered engine.. yikes man.. anyways, it'll be an adventure!

I probably won't be here for Canada Day next year.. I'm sort of excited to see what the capital city offers for the nations birthday.. the fireworks better be better than here that's for sure!! (They tend to go off 1 by 1 every 30 secs or so and the only really WOW part is at the end).

Speaking of all this, CCANB has finally put up the finances and the initiative to purchase two new dragons and two new lions! I'm so excited! I've been sort of pushing the youth group to try to raise funds or at least submit a proposal to the executive to get new equipment because we've had so many requests for the lion or dragon dance in the past 2 years (even out of town requests!). PLUS, the city is finally going to have dragon boat races and they wanted to have the dragon (our homemade one) displayed. Unfortunately, our beloved homemade dragon is nearing retirement due to lots of wear and tear and he desperately needs dental work. This was the other reason CCANB decided to look into purchasing new equipment. Ahh.. I hope I get to see the stuff before I leave! I think I'm definitely going to miss this organization, it's going through so many exciting changes right now and I really wish I could see them through.. oh well.. what to do.

I realized I'm getting more visitors to this blog than I previously thought! SO, big HELLO out to my friends.. leave a message so I know you dropped by! (HI TRAVIS, hope you are having a good summer over there in Vancouver!)

I'll try to be better about updating my blog more often, I know I've been a slacker this month, but hey, there have been a lot of things going on!! :P



At 8:54 p.m., Blogger Keith said...

Just out of curiousity, who is your co-coordinator? :)

Btw, don't feel too bad about not updating your blog... I haven't made a new post in ages.

At 11:32 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope you don't have rain on Canada day. I do hope the fireworks are quite good here. I just learned of the Celebration of Light here in Vancouver. It's an international fireworks competition taking place in late July and early August. This year Canada, Sweden and China are competing. Should be very good.
BTW: I thought you had plenty of posts this month, far more than most blogs I look at.

At 9:52 a.m., Blogger jaryee said...

Keith: .. your guess is probably pretty accurate ;) YA.. Why haven't you updated !?

Travis: Oh.. I've heard of that!! I think they have that in Montreal too?? I always wanted to go check that out.. hmm.. do go and take a look on my behalf. Hmm.. very curious to hear how well Canada does.. judging from the ones we see on TV.. it doesnt look very promising ???

At 12:15 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll try to take pictures as well, but I'm not sure how well pictures of fireworks will turn out. If I go to Canada day celebrations I'll perhaps do a test. It's hard to say how Canada will do. I've looked at past competitions and Canada has won it a few times, China has won it a few times, and other countries have also won it a few times. Montreal has the L'International des Feux, I think. I was told by a member of the physics dept (who originally came from Montreal) that Vancouver's came first. I don't like all of Canada's music choices this year, but some of the songs are pretty good.


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