I Love New Socks
Socks are great! They keep your feet warm when its cold, they absorb the sweat when its hot. But NEW SOCKS are the BEST!! They are so soft and comfortable. OK, ya, thats a retarded topic but I felt like I should voice my opinion about socks.
Anyway, what have I been up to lately? CS3323 has taken over my life. I have no life. BLEH. Actually, more than anything, I'm just really tired.. I wish I had more time to sleep and practice my sleep religion. AHhhhh I can't wait til next term when I have NO CLASSES!!
Went down to Saint John on Friday afternoon to see a friend graduate. UNBSJ's fall convocation is held in their Emperial Theatre.. GEEE..no fair.. its so nice.. we just get the aitken centre that is really a sports arena!! :P
Ah ha. I didn't come back and finish my post.. hehe.. big surprise there :P Anyways, the midterm didn't go as bad as I anticipated.. although I know I screwed up the pseudocode part.. that was a given, especially when they ask for RECURSION .. ARGH!! Won't bore you with the details of programming, how lame can I get? ;) Last thing, I'm pretty sure I screwed up another question too, just realized it, I didn't even really answer the question that he asked!! hahahah
TGIF! Today should be pretty good.. it was pretty busy for me this week at work, partially because I took two courses on Monday and Tuesday (InDesign and Adobe Professional Forms), so when I got back, I had all this stuff to do. Sometimes I feel like I'm being fought over to get people's jobs done first.. I'll be working on one thing, then someone will come over and need me to do something else.. and another person will be ..help!! and... the list goes on.. ah well, what can I say? I'm the best..hahahah j/k
So our webdesign for KLH Groups is starting to shape up. We had a few false starts and are still going through a frustrating process of communication with one of the employees there..*rolls eyes*, but it's starting to look up. I'm getting excited.
OH ya, I forgot to complete my train of thought in the paragraph up there. I was going to say, the kids are going to come around trick-or-treating today..kekeke.. they are so adorable. I'm not sure I mentioned it before, but during their bake sale, if you happen to walk by they will say "HEY, come here and get some stuff, it's really good" or when I asked one child how much the cookie cost, she said $25.. lol.. (they were selling everything for $0.25).. another child just stuck her hand out for money the minute you walked over to the table.. ahh...they are so cute! There's one kid in there that reminds me of the little boy from Jerry McGuire.. and a couple of those other movies he's in..
Piano lessons are going alright. They all start out quiet, and then !!! Actually, when the boys start to talk, its !!! Some of the conversations I have with them are actually pretty interesting (not just boys, but all my students).. I found out that the school system is really pushing nutrition these days, no more junk food for lunch and no more junk food bribery.. hahaha.. I completely understand.. it is crazzzzy to deal with hyper kids.. makes you want to scream! Ahh.. I'm dreading Monday.. the day after Halloween.. I can only imagine what one of my students is going to be like.. he's really hard to teach when he's hyper.. even when he's not..he has a mind of his own that nobody can change!!
I'm now at work. 30 mins of rushing.. yikes. Anyways, I think I'd better end this post soon.. Don't have much planned for the weekend.. maybe go take pictures tomorrow, heard the weather is FINALLY GOING TO BE NICE ON A WEEKEND!!! :D Take pictures of scenery and objects.. perhaps a few of me-self..haha.. nah.. if I do, it'll be to figure out why the heck I can be skinny in one picture and fat looking in another.. and the two pictures being taken within moments of each other?!?!?!?! geesh.. Besides picture taking, preparing for my party on Sunday (hahah, so pathetic, my party is with a bunch of kids), preparing Chinese School materials, maybe starting my assignment.. ya, I have no life.
For Pete's Sake
Aiya! I thought my assignment was due yesterday at 5pm and little did I know it wasn't due til Friday at 5pm!!! GEEE!!! At least I found out before I handed it in.. I was in such a tired state and still had questions to solve.. argh. This CS assignment is long and messed up.. some questions were put incorrectly, then some of pseudocode that they wanted us to use wasn't done very well (there were missing statements) so... !!!!
heheh lucky the profs were away this week ..cuz I was working on my assignment at the office - thats why I didn't post on Tuesday or Wednesday.. was busy working on my assignment..kekeke .. so nauti! That + working on it at night, still didn't get it done :( Feel like I have no free time to do things that I enjoy.. like go watch a movie, go to the library, go to Chapters and read, etc.. *sigh*
The pool is going to be closed on Saturday for a swim meet.. means I gotta go today.. decided to go to the 5:30 adult lap. I went last night and the pool wasn't full for once.. OMG, I could actually see the ripples I made and not the ones other people made!! :O WOW!!! hahahah
Leaves are starting to fall off the trees now...mmm.. it's lucky we took pictures that weekend or else we would have missed the opportunity. It rained so much these last few weeks.. lucky me, sunny when I'm sick and rainy when I'm not :P BLEH..
Speaking of sick, there's another round of the flu going around.. heard people are getting fever and err.. fever and coughing... a co-worker has it, another co-worker has been fighting it, one of the kids from my Chinese school class is sick.. ..eeeee..no please, please, please.. not me.. please??
Okay, I gotta go now..
Yawn, yawn, yawn
Ahh.. Sundays are too intense for me!! I'm soo tired today :p What way to handle Monday too! So why are Sunday's so busy? Let's see.. wake up at 9.30 (ok..so its not THAT early, but I don't go to bed that early on Saturday nights you know!!!) at 10, I teach my first student, then at 10:30-12 I have another two. After eating lunch, and doing some misc stuff, I have to go to Chinese School til 4. Get home around 4 something and its almost time to eat dinner. 6:30-7:30 teaching another two students piano.. aie yie yie. After that, I most likely have a annoying CS assignment to work on.. really makes me NOT want to take anymore courses!! :P
The week passes so incredibly fast. It feels like Monday was only two days ago! I teach another 3 students tonight, but I feel like I only just saw them.. hahaha.. boy o boy. what's going on with my life! I kind of just feel exhausted thinking about it.. :P
So, if you've been counting, I've now got 8 piano students. HAHAHA and I said I was maxed out at 6. I hope nobody else calls me and asks for lessons because I don't think I can handle anymore.. I'll be SO tired! Actually, I enjoy teaching piano more than Chinese School. My piano students are all really great.. my old students have all improved this year.. something must be in the air?? Ah, who am I to question it.. it's a great feeling when you can see improvement..! :D
Chinese School takes up lots of time.. I have been spending around 3 or so hours preparing for two hour classes. The textbook we use has Chinese (duh) and the pin yin, but no english translation.. so, I have to make up study guides for them.. argghhh.. typing pin yin with the accents is SO annoying! Besides study guides, I have to think of something interesting to do each week.. or they'll lose interest and be bored and whining. I've got six kids in my class, 3 boys and 3 girls.. gah.. 2 of the boys.. talk talk talk talk talk... and don't listen. GAH!! Anyways, I guess it's not that bad.. they seem to be slowly picking up some vocabulary.. plus they've already learned to sing a song.. and actually know the words.. not just mumbling along like usual. You should see some of those performances.. its basically playing a song and the kids lip syncing..lol
I'm at the office again.. it's 11.30.. ooo where has the morning gone? The profs have gone to Ottawa for a conference for a few days.. so it's going to be slow til they get back.. I forgot to bring my assignment .. was planning on working on it today.. dang it. That dumb thing is due Wednesday, and as usual, I feel like I don't have enough time to work on it.. and I even started it really soon after they posted it!!! arggggg give me MORE TIME!! I wish there were more hours in a day..
Had steamboat at 602 on Saturday night.. holy cow we ate so much.. good thing I went to the gym so many times last week :P We had steamboat and also had cheesecake afterwards..heheheh anyways, we were talking about trips.. first Yeoh mentions going to NFLD to visit Danny, then we were talking about going to Bangor/Boston to go shopping.. and previously there was talk of going to Quebec's Mont Tromblant for skiing..ehhhh.. they all sound good eh?? Well, maybe not Nfld at that time of the year.. its cold enough here thanks very much.
Ah, so many places to visit and so little money (and time), money being the bigger one. I would like to go to the Calgary stampede someday and of course the west Edmonton mall (world's largest mall!!!). Also would like to go to Vancouver and visit Simone and Amy.. plus go visit Stella.. and go to Disneyworld, Seaworld, Busch Gardens.. ohh o oo.. Hollywood, Bahamas, Carribean.. and can't forget Europe.. I really want to go to Tuscany (after watching under the Tuscan sun, who can forget the scenary there?!) and Italy, and oo geee.. there are too many places I'd like to visit..!!! I think I should stop watching TV too.. it's such a bad influence.. you know, my list grew even longer after watching the Amazing Race?!?!?! AHhhhhhhh!!!!
Hehehe.. okok, calm down, calm down. Breathe. OK, I'm calm. Next topic: Halloween! It's falling on a Sunday this year and therefore we have Chinese school. SO, I'm preparing to have a halloween party for my class.. hehehe they are going to dress up and we'll have food and games.. ahhh it's gonna be fun! I'm going to take pictures of them since we are doing a "about me" project this year.
Alright.. I'm going to shut up now.. I noticed my entries are rather long winded.. kekekeke.. I guess I'm just too bored over here :p I'll probably be posting these next few days since I've nothing better to do here ..heheheh..tata!

Oh yes, Odell Park again

Beautiful Lily Flower also from our garden

Look!!! MY handgrown Pansy!! Pretty eh!?!

Ah yes, a picture of youth group in the summer while camping at Kouchibouguac National Park

Me with a bunch of pumpkins

Beautiful autumn setting
La De Da
I'm sitting in the office now, waiting for time to pass. I think I work too fast. I guess it's been a regular work load week, but especially with nobody in the office, I get things done faster. Problem is, when things are all done, I'm sooo bored.. and that leads to sleepiness.. oh gee. I feel so sleepy now, probably also because I woke up at 7 this morning (I only need to get up at 8:30) and did some web work then hopped on the eliptical machine for a workout before breakfast. Uhhh .. maybe that was a bad idea.
Trying to figure out what I want to do this Sunday for Chinese School. Besides regular lessons, I try to find something more "fun", ie. learn something without using the textbook. The kids don't know very many words, so I have to build up their vocabulary before I can really play any games with them. It's going to be Halloween in two weeks too, so I have to plan something fun.. it'd be too cruel to make them study hard on Halloween day!!
TGIF! Ahhh.. but not really. Sunday is THE busiest day of the week for me.. so it's not really weekend = relax. I have to get my act together and get all the materials I need for Sunday prepared by tomorrow. What else do I have to do? I have to DO my freaking CS assignment .. growl.. stupid prof always gives us a little over one week to do it. I'm such a CS-dummy that I need 2 weeks.. that plus I seem to have very little time on my hands!?!?!? Finally, I gotta find some time to do some web work with the guys, our project is dragging on too slowly so we want to hurry it up a little. I can't wait to see my colour palette in the frame work..kekeke..
Went swimming last night. Sometimes I feel like those guys are standing looking at girls swim. It's rather uncomfortable. Too bad I can't figure out whether they have a women's lap swim or not. What bugs me about swimming lap is that there are quite a few people there, and some of them swim in the wrong direction. Alright, maybe they don't know that there's an actually direction, but I swear, some of them just don't care. Then you get those swimmers that are super slow swimming in the medium speed lane.. aiya.. I end up having to tread water in the middle of the lane..!! OKOK, enough complaining about adult lap.. hehehe.. I'm lucky to be able to get into the gym without paying for a membership this year.. I got to validate my ID cuz I'm a part time student.. Apparantly we're suppose to get a special ID saying we're part time so that we don't get the benefits of the gym, but the lady at the registrar's office just validated me as a regular student - finally, a positive experience at the Registrar's Office!! hahahah!!!
I was too lazy to post some of the pictures I scanned from our apple picking outing last weekend. I'll try to do it sometime this weekend. I think there's something wrong with our camera.. the pictures are a bit distorted. They stretch wider or longer so the people don't look right. Maybe that's why my face constantly looks round.. ARGH!!!! Time to get a new camera!
11:40AM, another hour + to kill. gah. What am I going to do??
So Are the Colours of Our Leaves
Ha. I'm trying to be creative with my titles. I'm taking it from the famous soap "So are the Days of Our Lives".. but trying to draw a parallel to the title of the soup.. just like leaves, people's personalities change as we age. (ok, so leaves change because of the season, but maybe seasons are ages to humans?! Am I making any sense at all!?) Anyhow.. as I was saying..I was watching Oprah today and Susan Surandon (spelling?) was on saying how at the age of 50, she is so much happier and settled in her life. In our 20s, we are still discovering who we are, what our boundaries are and blah blah blah blah.. and while she was talking, I started to think about my own life. Ya, when people used to say that, I used to think.. OK, stop BSing and we always like to complain about how we can't find ourselves..and all that crap.. but the thing is, all of our struggles and discouraging moments really help define who we are and how far we will go for something.
hehehe, I started this entry on the 8th, and today is the 14th.. sorry! BTW, my flu is better though the cough is still lingering.. too bad. I gave it to my mom who gave it to my dad, so now my poor parents are coughing.. it's a really tortorous cough.. you really have no relief .. it's as if the virus wants you to cough your lungs out before its satisfied.. nasty eh?
Went to watch ladder 49 last weekend. I highly recommend people watch this movie. It is really different from most movies out there.. I saw the cast on Oprah before we went to watch the movie, John Travolta was saying that this movie is really about the firefighters and the story about them, the focus was not on the whole hollywood scene and such. It's true, when you walk away from the movie, your focus isn't on the actors, it's on the characters. That plus you start to realize how heroic those firefighters and their families are. Anyways, go watch it. It's a must see!!
Last weekend I also started to work out again. Gah. Two weeks off and I felt my muscles were starting to get out of shape. Guess I gotta get back into my routine + up it.. it's freaking hard to lose weight.. arggggghhhhhh (kekek, I love my food, what can I say!?)
Speaking of food, while I was sick, I started to think about nutrition and all that stuff. So now I'm eating oatmeal every morning and trying to eat yogurt a couple of times a week. Did you know that yogurt is REALLY good for you?? Apparantly the active bacteria in that stuff helps fight off infection. Our diets these day lack active bacteria.. so the easiest way to get it back is by eating yogurt. I also read in a magazine that yogurt helps you lose weight around the stomach, if you are trying to of course.
Alright. I'm off to bed again. It's now 5am. Been up and down all night because I had a splitting headache last night .. *sigh*. Ya, SJ I would have agreed if you asked me whether I wanted you to knock me in the head with a hammer :P My stomach was upset cuz of my headache.. still feel a tiny bit of it now.. hopefully it'll completely disappear (and disappear forever from my life) when I wake up again..
I found my voice!
Wassup people. Ha.. this dang flu has been driving me up the wall.. but alas, I've finally started on the road to recovery..YUPPI!! I was really close to losing my voice too.. anyway, the whole thing has made me decide to get a flu shot this year.. hopefully it'll prevent me from getting sick again this winter.. gah.
Besides that, I'm looking forward to going back to the pool. OMG, what has happened to me! haha.. maybe it's become a habit. I've become used to the fact that I need to go get some exercise a few times a week. Ah well.. I'll never be athletic like some of my friends.. I'm such a klutz. I bump into everything..!! That's probably why I always have bruises and why I have so many scars. Haha... some of them actually have stories too.. kekeke.. well, I'm not feeling open enough to tell my most embarassing klutz stories.. too bad :P
The weather is starting to really change now. Fall is here.. the leaves just suddenly started to change colours. Apple picking season too.. mmm..hopefully I have some time to go get some.. as they say, an Apple a Day keeps the doctor away!!
Alright... I'm going to stop here for now. I have some errands to run.. ahh.. all I want to do is go back to bed!! (was up half the night coughing)..