Sinuses Kill
Well, if there is anyone that checks this place frequently, they'll have noticed that I haven't posted for over a week.. yes, yes.. terrible isn't it? Sorry.. I came down with a cold again :S *sigh* I'm getting sick of getting sick!!!! I was sick all weekend and still have it today. That sucks! That bites! ARGH! My sinuses are actually the things that are bugging me the most these days.. I end up getting sinus pain in the middle of the night which makes things very uncomfortable.
On with the story. I missed Chinese School on Sunday - the very first day of class! GEe.. I feel so bad.. cuz I was excited! I found out I'm teaching the Kindergarten class - the non Chinese speakers that don't speak Chinese at home. So that class is probably comprised of the adopted Chinese kids. Their parents are great.. I'm really looking forward to working with that group! Also, I gained a new piano student while I was sick and not teaching.. (hahah .. maybe I should do that more often :P). So now I've six students .. I think I'm at the max level or else I'm going to have to teach another day of the week and it's not so considerate to my parents who usually "hang out" in the room the piano is in..
I can FEEL Fall in my bones. The weather has turned chilly, and the leaves should be starting to turn their brilliant shades of colours anytime now. My gladiolus have finally flowered - magnificent! I'll post a picture of them soon. I hope I can find some time to go apple picking this year.. it's so fun. Nothing like apple picking! Brings back lots of memories from when we were little.. Another feeling fall brings is Halloween. Now that I'm around kids more often, that excitement is back. The dressing up, the candy, the treats, the candy..more candy.. hehehe
Alright. I think I'll stop here for now. Stay germ free everyone.. it sucks to be sick!!!!!

La Capitale du Canada!
Boohoo it's Monday
AH.. its Monday morning. The good news is that the weather is nice but its rather chilly outside. Anyways, its not that bad since I have no school..hahaha!! OK, those working people who have said that they wish they could go back to school.. perhaps that feeling only sets in after a period of time. Cuz I don't have that feeling at ALL!!! hheheeheheh :P
I was going to write something about the environment while I was blogging.. but I don't have much time to write.. I'm only waiting for my brother to finish getting ready and I'm off to work. While I was brushing my teeth this morning, I remembered something I read these last few days about conservation of water & electricity: did you know that when we waste these two resources, we actually create more green house gas!?!?! Gah.
Opss. time to go..bye
Spring is in the Fall Air
I was at the superstore the other day..and low and behold, there were spring bulbs on sale! I've been waiting for them! Anyhow..time has come to plant those bulbs so that there will be spring joy after winter. BTW, I think this year's winter is going to be a pretty hard one. Someone told me before, that when there are many "cherries" on this "cherry tree" we have in our yard, that that means the winter will be a very hard one. I read also that this is how the Native Americans could tell how the oncoming winter would be so they could better prepare. Let's just say, there are quite a few berries on that tree this year...
Anyway, this has gotta be short because I have to teach in a few minutes. First lesson of this school year. *Yawn* I'm feeling sleepy already.. this can't be a good sign.. heheh
OK.. thats all for now..toodles
I Must be Crazy
WAHKAU what a week! I'm pooped out. Yes, POOPED out (aka Exhausted). Why am I SO tired? Well, it probably all started with the airport thingy on Tuesday morning .. went out with YC & co. for his farewell dinner and later a movie on Monday evening (we watched Paparazzi - thumbs up!) .. so by the time I got home it was around 11pm. By the time I got to sleep.. probably around 12.. got up at 4 to take a shower and go send YC off. *waves* I didn't go back to bed when I got home from the airport for fear that I'd be even more exhausted. So anyhow.. went to work.. to make my long boring story short - this week has been hectic at the office because of the first week of classes. Materials to be prepared.. stuff to be sent down to the library and stuff to be prepared and posted online for students.. add on the usual stuff to do. All I can say is.. TGIF!!!!
Going to start piano lessons this Sunday.. for some odd reason, I'm a bit nervous about the new student.. uhh.. ok.. but upon thinking about it.. there's nothing to be nervous about. Anyways.. I'm also confirmed to teach at Chinese School..but I'm having doubts at my competency level.. I hope people don't expect me to be fully literate! HAHAHA that sounds so retarded.. I expect that they don't expect me to be a literate Kindergarten teacher!? What am I saying!? OH WELL, they are desperate, and they MUST know my level of Chinese..right?
Uhhhh I think I have to make this short cuz I'm tired. OH YA.. I'm finally reading the Order of the Phenoix (Harry Potter - the latest book). I'm taking a surprisingly long time to read it.. gee.. what's taking so long.. it's been 5 days and I'm not even half way done yet... !!! :S Anyways..
OK.. thats all for now. Kaput.. JY is tired. Toodles.
Sleepy state of mind
I am guilty of staying up too late last night..again. Gotta try to get back into the habit of going to bed earlier .. since I have to get up early to go to work .. *sigh* Sucks for someone who's religion is sleep!! hahaha
Anyways, I've been busy moving my stuff back into my room. We tore up the carpets and laid down vinyl flooring (I should say my dad and my brother did it). Vinyl flooring is basically like fake hardwood floor. We actually think its better cuz its not so hard to install and there arent as many cracks between the panels as real hard wood flooring would have. It's also quieter and cheaper!! The whole purpose of doing that was to help my allergies. I'm severly allergic (+4 rating, the highest rating you can get for the allergy test I took) to dust and quite allergic to some types of mold. There was actually this moldy smell when we tore up the carpet.. you'll hear my laughing with joy when my allergies are cured.. they SUCK.
Ah, what else was I gonna say. Oh yes, do certain songs bring back memories of times when you were listening them? It does for me. I pulled up some Jay Chow MTV's just now, and it reminded me of the fall of '02 when we were preparing to do MCN (Malaysian Cultural Night). We played the same Jay CD the WHOLE weekend in the car.. it must have repeated itself at least 30 times.. hahaha.. oh well, SJ was driving and he's a Jay addict anyways. Ah, it is really a sweet memory even though it was exhausting work. Can't really describe my feelings - perhaps its just excitement??
I may be teaching the Kindergarten class at Chinese School this year. I'm pretty excited actually. I've got a couple of ideas of what class activities that I could do.. of course, it's not confirmed yet (I wouldn't mind not teaching either, it'd allow me to practice my religion on Sunday afternoons!!) so I haven't actually started to do any research and pull material yet. But hey, I'm ready for my piano students ;)
Alrighty, my duty to update has been done.. ciao
UNB blahs, blahs, and blahs somemore
Well, doesn't the title say it all? FRIG! UNB is driving me CRAZY. Enough to..say..NOT do any more courses after my last CS course! Q@#!@#)(*
Ok. Here's the story:
I went to register for my final CS course that I needed to complete my minor - guess what. After you graduate, you can't register for anymore courses without going through the registrar. Ring Ring, I call them up. Now folks, if you are doing a minor, listen up: apparantly, there's this rule saying that once you graduate, your credits are "closed". Therefore, even if I complete this last course, nothing would appear on my transcript saying that I have completed my minor. Do they want me to take the courses all over again!?!!?!??! Moving forward, they tell me: go see your business advisor re this matter.. ok.. what does the business advisor have to do with my CS minor?? I don't know, but I'll do as you say.
I make an appointment to see this hard to see advisor (plus, she gives inaccurate information, nice as she is as a person). She says: this isn't really in our control, you should go see the Dean of CS. OK..let's email the guy first. The Dean answers: talk to the assistant dean.. ok.. do we see a pattern here!? Next, the assistant dean is away 'til Aug 15th so his automatic email response says to go talk to the CS office if there's an urgent matter. I call them, they say: wait until the assistant dean is back, or go talk to the registrar. *rolls eyes*
Back to square one. I'm at the Registrar's office again, running from office to office trying to find someone who can answer my question. Finally, a lady says she will contact the Registrar for me and let me know. OK.. my minor is in your hands now lady.. in the meantime, I have to re-register to do a business degree, just so I can take another concentration.. *rolls eyes for the 2nd time*
Lucky for me, the lady emails me saying the Registrar said OK as long as the CS people are ok. So here I go, lets email this darn assistant dean again. Email him, he replies: I agree with the Dean, I believe you cannot receive your minor because you've already graduated. I email him asking him to read the email the registrar sent him (saying it in nicer words of course).. low and behold..guess what!?!? He DOESNT ANSWER ME! Email him again.. NO ANSWER. Finally, I'm fed up. I can't register for CS courses and I don't know if I can get my minor.
I call the registrar's office complaining. They insist, no, you CAN register for you course, try again. I do it. NOTHING. Finally, they tell me: "oh, the business faculty must have locked you out of the system..".. OMG. Does this ever end!?!?!? NO. Call the business advisor asking HER to contact the registrar. FINALLY, her secretary unblocks me.. YA!! I can register. Next problem: The Assistant Dean of CS.
I call him up. He says "oh yes, I remember you." He read my emails. After a lot of hmming and hooing.. he finally agreed. I hope *cross fingers* that he actually follows up on his promise and lets the registrar know he agrees to let me complete my minor.
Next problem: validating my ID. Apparantly they say I haven't paid tuition. WRONG. I have money sitting in my account.. good grief.. they haven't "processed it" yet. WHATEVER. Another problem: my stupid account won't let me register for winter term courses, so there's no way that the registrar's office will issue a letter to say that I'm going to be a student for the year. GIMME A BREAK!!!!
Thats all for now. How much more lucky can a person get with a fine instituition like UNB?? *rolls eyes and gags* good night.