Sunday, September 12, 2004

Spring is in the Fall Air

I was at the superstore the other day..and low and behold, there were spring bulbs on sale! I've been waiting for them! Anyhow..time has come to plant those bulbs so that there will be spring joy after winter. BTW, I think this year's winter is going to be a pretty hard one. Someone told me before, that when there are many "cherries" on this "cherry tree" we have in our yard, that that means the winter will be a very hard one. I read also that this is how the Native Americans could tell how the oncoming winter would be so they could better prepare. Let's just say, there are quite a few berries on that tree this year...

Anyway, this has gotta be short because I have to teach in a few minutes. First lesson of this school year. *Yawn* I'm feeling sleepy already.. this can't be a good sign.. heheh

OK.. thats all for now..toodles


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