Relay for Life
Tonight, I participated in my very first Relay for Life. For those who have never heard of it, it is put on by the Cancer Society and is a 12 hour marathon (walking). Participants try to get pledges from family and friends and the money goes towards Cancer Research and Awareness. It's a great cause, especially since Cancer has had such a massive impact on the lives of so many people.
Before the opening ceremony, I didn't really anticipate anything very heavy. Everyone was gathered outside (this relay for life was hosted and held at the University) to hear speeches. The traditional thank you's to the volunteers went out and then we had a cancer survivor speak. She talked about her experience with cancer and how it affected her life and how it changed her as a person (both inside and out). Then she said, "2 weeks ago, I received word that my cancer is back." - that was a pretty strong message. I started to feel myself tearing up when they took the first lap (the survivor lap).. it was so sad and yet so very touching to see those who had beaten the disease take those steps with so many people around them, especially since most of them were strangers. It was a wonderful feeling to be there, to know that we are trying to make a difference.
Anyways, I'm really proud of myself.. I've gotten $120 in pledges.. more than I anticipate.. much more than I anticipated. Thank you so much to those that supported the cause (though I don't think any of them read my blog!!). For those that are interested in making a pledge (you have until April 7th for the relay I participated in), let me know and I will send an email to you. Otherwise, visit:
Canadian Cancer Society
Let's Make Cancer History!
Basking in the Glory of Finished Assignments
YAHOO! I'm done my assignments! (haha.. delayed Yahoo, I finished on Friday). I'm laughing now because there are still quite a lot of people in my class that still have assignments to submit.. hehehe.. aren't I nasty?
Anyhow, I'm now starting to get ready to teach. Working on a unit for Motion (Science) and one for Fractions. I hope to get my class involved in a wind turbine competition put on by the school board (my science teacher is running it). It should be good promo for the school and for myself..hehehe! It'll be fun too. (That's the bonus??)
Besides planning all these units (I still have yet to figure out what I'm going to teach for Language Arts, Visual Arts and Technology), I'm also trying to get my teacher's portfolio in order. One of the biggest problems is that I don't really know what an impressive portfolio resembles?? Is it suppose to look very colourful and interesting or should it look very professional and clean? Hmm. Perhaps a combination for both is in order? BLEH. This is why I ordered a book off Amazon about portfolios! (it hasn't come yet).
I'm so impressed with myself today. I finished my application to the Calgary school board and submitted an application to become an Educational Technology Integrator here in Ottawa. To date, I believe I have applied to about 10 boards/jobs! (side note: my organizational skills are just too great..hahahah!!!) OK. Enough JY.. Anyways, still a few boards to watch out for.. they haven't released their job postings yet, so I'm waiting. I really only have one more job application to submit before I'm caught up to what I had planned for.
Lately I have been watching some documentaries from National Geographic. They are so interesting! I've become especially interested in those discussing Africa. I watched one about the African Sahara and one on travelling around Africa (Tanzania and Zanzibar). I think it'd be so cool to get to go learn about their lives, especially those living out in the jungles. I'm not sure I'd be fit to do it, but it's still very interesting.
Anyways, time for groceries, ciao people!
Feels like Break Time
I'm procrastinating (big surprise). I'm down to my final paper.. and I'm feeling rather un-motivated at the moment. It's actually funny, if in the proper mood, I can get a lot written in a short time.. unmotivated (which is probably 98% of the time) - it could take hours, if not days!!
Anyways, this past weekend was not as bad as I anticipated. Perhaps all the preparation for this week paid off.. I wasn't AS stressed as my classmates (which I discovered did not do as many assignments as I did as some of them don't have to be passed in until the end of the month!!). Another thing I noticed about my classmates is that they absolutely ADORE complaining and b**ching! They went so far to doing this via email which I felt was extremely irritating and childish. Come'on.. suck it up and just do your work - how on earth did you survive your undergrad!? (perhaps it's not as intense as other universities!??!!? Actually, I think it's more about the subjects they chose to take......... I'll leave it at that).
I'm really enjoying my practicum so far. I can't remember what I said in my last few postings but it's been extremely interesting. My class is low.. I'm discovering just how low some of the students are (and this is in term of academics). They had a volume/surface area test on Thursday and I don't think one student was able to come close to getting a perfect mark. It ended up that my mentor teacher or I sat with them to help them out.. and even with individual help, some of them still didn't get it (or come close to understanding - I swear, there are a couple of them that don't even have grade 1 math). It's actually rather sad and disturbing to find out that they've come this far in the program and not even been recognized as special education students.
I was talking to the Special Ed/ESL teacher (who happens to be a part time prof for ESL at the university- cool, I'm getting some contacts!!) and she said that the spec ed/esl program at the school has been pushed to the backburner because of administrative beliefs. That's terrible since SO many of the students NEED these programs!! This school is known to have lots of students with learning difficulties (apparantly).
I would think that this would make things seem rather grim for me, but actually, I see it as a great learning experience. Perhaps I'm just so delighted to be in an Elementary school with such a small class. I'm not sure. Anyways, there's a position opening up for the Kindergarten class which I would LOVE to have.. but it's doubtful. Lots of supply teachers probably eyeing the job as well. It really all depends on how chummy I can become with the principal of the school... but she seems sort of distant and unapproachable?? It could be just me being intimidated by her :P
Anyhow, I still think the school is great and am really enjoying it there. They have some really interesting programs set up and I love how all the teachers know all of the students!Besides school and school (hehe).. not too much has been happening. I'm dying to have a small break, but sort of feel like I shouldn't take one since I still have lots of work awaiting me after I finish with all these assignments. I shall have to see. Besides, lesson planning and unit planning is more enjoyable than writing papers :P
I'm dreaming of summer break already. In all reality, there shouldn't be a summer break for me this year. Without a source of income without any idea of what I'm going to do to survive.. ahhh *block thoughts from mind*. Travis: I hope I'm still here too! I'll definitely meet up with you when you come (assuming I'm here of course!)
Oh yes, Happy belated birthday to SJ and Happy Wedding to Shawn & Lisa who are getting married on March 16th!
Alright, that's it for now. Better get back to writing my essay if I want to finish it by tomorrow (HA! In your dreams JY!)
Stay Germ Free Everyone - Nasty flu bug going around *shiver*.. I've had enough already PLEASE!!
Been A While
AHHH. This is going to be short. I've too much to do to be writing here actually. This coming week is the last week of classes for me - and no, that does not mean it's the end of the term. It means we start full time in the schools for the next month and a half (which means more pressure right now). All my assignments seem to be due this coming week and even though I started some of the early, I'm still up to my ears in work that needs to be done. Mmmmm....I've survive..somehow.
My school is pretty nice. I really enjoy being there. It's a Beacon school which means that it's composed of families who are lower economically and that it receives extra funding and help from the school board. Its a pretty small school and the classes are not big which is a very good thing considering how needy the kids are. The kids in my grade 6 class are very low.. in some areas, shockingly low. For the most part, the kids are pretty nice and friendly. I've been able to adapt much easier than I did in the grade 8 class last term. I guess I'm just used to this age group.
Anyways.. more later.. have to keep working. It's a marathon over here.