Saturday, March 11, 2006

Been A While

AHHH. This is going to be short. I've too much to do to be writing here actually. This coming week is the last week of classes for me - and no, that does not mean it's the end of the term. It means we start full time in the schools for the next month and a half (which means more pressure right now). All my assignments seem to be due this coming week and even though I started some of the early, I'm still up to my ears in work that needs to be done. Mmmmm....I've survive..somehow.

My school is pretty nice. I really enjoy being there. It's a Beacon school which means that it's composed of families who are lower economically and that it receives extra funding and help from the school board. Its a pretty small school and the classes are not big which is a very good thing considering how needy the kids are. The kids in my grade 6 class are very low.. in some areas, shockingly low. For the most part, the kids are pretty nice and friendly. I've been able to adapt much easier than I did in the grade 8 class last term. I guess I'm just used to this age group.

Anyways.. more later.. have to keep working. It's a marathon over here.


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