Monday, February 06, 2006

I Ran 8K!

Wooohooo! I ran 8km on Saturday! :D The weater was too nice (warm) throughout the week so the Rideau was not in great condition. It was actually closed day of the race. Two days before the race, they sent out an email saying that the skating part of the triathlon was finito and that it had become a duathlon that was composed of 8km running and ~5km cross country skiing. The rules still stood that they needed to have at least one female per team. That left me to either run or ski. Boy, was I worried or what.

Turned out that it wasn't as bad as I thought. It seemed like the run would be insanely long and thoughts like "I'm going to die" and "I'm never going to be able to run that" went through my mind for abour 36 hours. Day of, yes, it was very exhausting and semi painful, but I made it. Walked probably about 3-4 mins tops throughout the whole 8km. Took less than an hour to run (about 56 mins I believe it was) and we still managed to be the last team in (not last in total since some people still came in after us - though it's still pretty sad because these people were going to continue on with another 5km of skiing). It also made me feel rather stupid and terribly out of shape (even though I don't think I'm as out of shape as the normal person) when everyone ran past me (even the people in the 65+ category). There was also lots of pressure not to walk because there seemed to be nobody walking (ok, there were, but very, very few and only near the end). Oh well. I'm still proud of myself for finishing since I've never considered myself to be a long distance runner AND I didn't train for this race! (Running outside is sooo different from running inside).

Anyways, I'm off to bed. Hopefully I'll get more done this week (I bet I spent all my energy this past weekend worrying!!!)


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