Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Trying to Find My Optimism

These days, it's sometimes hard to keep a positive outlook (at least, for me it is). Although I know I shouldn't over think my "situation" or allow self-pity, there are days. I've been trying to convince myself to be more optimistic and to pull myself out of this little rut I'm in and get myself into job application mode again, but alas, I had to think really, really hard of the word that was opposite to pessimitic. HA!

Anyway, I've decided that in order to at least try to give you greater insight as to some moments where I do enjoy my job, I'd tell you some funny stories that I've experienced at the daycare.

-Now that the children know me, I'm fondly known to the two's as "Iwene"
-One little girl kept telling me "Lolly (her grandma) & "grumpy" (aka. grampy) are coming to get me today."
-Regarding her older sister who she calls her "baby sister": "Emma have time out.. I don't have time out"
-During walks "Wait for me Iwene!", "Thanks Iwene!" (as if I'd leave her there!)
-Regarding her mother's pregnancy (at the time, we were unaware that her mother was pregnant!) "I have a baby, she's in mommy's tummy"
-A 3 year old tells my co-worker "I woke up in the middle of the night and saw mommy on top of daddy. I scared them and they scared me!" (OMG)
-From a 3 year old "I'm not very happy right now"
-Also from a 3 year old "My life sucks!" (I think he just didn't want to have his diaper changed)
-Another quote from a 3 year old "You've ruined my life!" (oh my, all three years!)
-One of the two's has learned from what we do at nap time. At night, she likes to sit on her parents bed and rub their tummies while singing "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" to them.
-Speaking of Twinkle, Twinkle, one two sings it as "Crinkle, crinkle, little star..."
-One of the two's is obsessed with "baby" things - anything small is a "baby ____" and it's "ohh.. sooooooo cute" (crinkle nose, give cute look).
-One two fell down during a walk and another two looks back and says "ohhhh.. poor her.." (give sad look)

For those not afraid of potty talk:
-A little one likes to sit on the toilet after lunch and narrate all that occurs while she has her bowel movement "Iwene, a big one coming out!!!"
-Upon asked where she is suppose to "poop", she promptly tells her mom "at daycare"
-Upon asked who changes her, she responds "Iwene!" (Great)
-While changing, they like to refer to it as "my stinky bum"
-I like to give them a latex glove to play with while I change them (as sometimes, they don't like to be changed), so now, they like to request their "gubby"

It's an adorable yet frustrating age as they learn to socialize, speak, and expand their attention spans. They never fail to make me laugh at least once a day, but there are always days when you just want to go "AHHH!!". It's also fascinating how much they know and can remember.. they can still tell you who came dressed as a witch on Halloween (and they only saw that person for a good 15 minutes).

Hope you've enjoyed some of my tales.. if I remember more, I'll post them :)

ps/ They are all almost toilet trained, so there's much less potty talk these days ;)

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Apologies, but I'm still Here!

Don't know how long this is going to be, but I fear it won't be long.. I am on my lunch break and need to leave soon (or no coffee run for me).

Working at a daycare is exhausting work. The pay sucks and it sucks the energy out of you. I enjoy the children for the most part, but I'm really feeling pretty frustrated today. Patience is wearing thin and I'm tired. Most weeks, I've barely an evening to do what I want to do (i.e., watch tv, veg, or do some cardio). During the weekdays, I'm either working or just too exhausted to do anything productive. On weekends, it's course work time as well as time to do some chores (i.e. laundry, mopping, vacuming, etc..). Life is just .. UGH! I'd be different if I were teaching.. probably even more busy, but at least I'd be earning a decent wage.. a wage that would allow me to consider thinking of buying some things that I want??

Anyways, with Christmas around the corner, I sort of can't believe I'm still working at the daycare. Still applying for more professional jobs that don't have me on my feet all day and don't leave me with the feeling that I may drop dead! Oh, I would miss the children, but OHHHHHH I really don't like the pay.

I don't mind my colleagues, actually, I think they are all very nice and we get along pretty well. Perhaps it's just my mood this week, but sometimes I feel like some people step on other people's toes. The only other minor complaint is that there are differences in perspectives. Them as daycare professionals and me in my teacher prospective.. quite different in many ways, yet similar in some as well. Oh well.. I guess I've just got to grit it and bear it.. all for the sake of a little money.