Oh man.. I think I need to sign up for some kind of addicts group!! I don't really watch TV, but darn, downloading shows is really eating up my time (and hard drive :P) Let's see.. as of now, I currently watch:
-Big Brother
-Gilmore Girls (well, new season hasn't started yet)
-Amish in the city (not really that addicted to this reality show..)
-Las Vegas (awaiting new season as well)
-Queer Eye for the Straight Guy (holy cow, this is hilarious, I love the interior designer guy)
-Summerland (ok, it's kind of bland, but hey, I've got time on my hands)
-The OC (who DOESN'T watch this!?!??!!?)
-Amazing Race (so far, just this last season)
-Apprentice (ya!! new one coming out soon!!!)
-Alias (gah, I just found out the new season is starting in JANUARY..bleh..)
-Newlyweds (yes, I'm guilty)
-probably others that I've forgotten about
OK, so.. isn't that list rather lengthy?! I guess I kind of downloaded a few episodes of this and that show, then got hooked .. haha..gone from one extreme to the other. Back in year 1-3 of University, I watched probably about half an hour of tv per month or something to that extreme. I wonder how many hours I watched a week now... eekk
Friends are starting to take off to start their "life after University".. Mon, my friend from junior high, went off to Med School this past weekend.. best of luck out there!! Hard to believe that we're at that point in our lives.. it's time to do some serious thinking about what we want out of life.. and how to get there. I guess it better start preparing myself to hear "I'm getting married" or "I'm having a baby".. *shiver* that'll be the day I freak out. Please give me advanced warning people !!!
Speaking of University.. I can't begin to start listing my complaints with UNB. ARGG..sometimes their administration work is really.. well, you can probably guess. Most of you that would even be remotely interested in reading my blog would have attended UNB. I guess most universities are like that..but gees.. you would think that we owed them or something.. HELLO..we're paying YOU to attend your dumb classes!!!! Ok, I should stop cursing them..afterall, I work within this community..heheh
Alright, thats all for tonight. I'm tired..why o why am I so tired today!!
OK, let's give this a shot.. succumbed to the pressures of blogging. I wonder if I'll be able to maintain a consistent posting schedule.. hmm..we'll see.
Anyways, onto what I wanted to write about: the men's marathon in the Olympics. What sort of wacko runs into the middle of a race and pushes the leader out of it? I guess thats not really the point. When watching the news about that, I had mixed emotions. First, and most obviously: pissed. Second, I really admired the Brazilian, Vanderlei de Lima. I mean, this is something they've been training for for who knows how long. Being in the lead, having a wacko come and you, then falling back because of him. But his expression and his perseverance to complete the race with such sportsmanship made me really ..hmm.. glow? Corney as that sounds, I felt goosebumps going down my arms as I watched it.
Alright. Enough of that. What else? Realized I've grown very dark after my trips.. gee.. its amazing what a bit of sun will do to me. Ha, it wont last..I'll be back to my yellow self in a few months..hahahahha!!
I've been moving my room out into the living room these few days.. going to remove the carpet and lay down some hard wood flooring. Gah, I really hope that it cures my allergies... dang sinuses are driving me bonkers.. amazing what a stuffed nose will do to a person.
So.. are you asking yourself - what's nervey? Double meaning. Definition of nervey is risky, smart and creative. So what, right? Well, myself and two other friends have started a small freelancing company named, you guessed it, Nervey. So far, we've got two ongoing projects, and hopefully more will come out of it. We'll see.. I've got confidence in this project.. plus, its darn exciting!