Sunny Days Make it Freaking COLD
Well! Yesterday we were hit with a blizzard.. finally. Hahaha.. I am openly admitting that I enjoyed that nice big storm. We haven't really had a decent one this year. Its sort of weird though, people freak out over a forecast of *gasp* 15cm. Give me a break! We used to think 30cm was a big deal.. 15cm is for wimps! Tisk. What's happened to people? Anyway, it was a rather heavy snow fall.. it just coming down.. it was impossible to completely brush all the snow off my car!! I went for a nice tramp through the snow too yesterday.. I felt like a kid all over again. Had the urge to start making a snowman or go sliding.. but I thought that I'd better act my age in case any of the kids on my street saw my behaviour.. how'd I ever act like a teacher again? :PToday was DANG cold. Tomorrow it's going to be EVEN MORE cold. The windchill is suppose to go down to -38 in the morning.. BRrrrrrrrr.. shivering just thinking about it! Man, anyone want to rescue me and take me to a tropical paradise?
Today, I had the opportunity to co-interview for a work-study student. The second person we interviewed was really impressive. For one, the guy walked (probably a good 10 min walk) with only a spring coat on (well, ya, pants, shoes, and gloves, but no hat). SPRING COAT in -36 degree weather?! He said his roommate said it was warm and he believed him because the sun was out. Well.. ok.. I'll give him a break cuz he's not from Canada, but a hint to people out there: when the sun is out in the winter.. it's COLD! We WANT snow so it'll be WARM! This brings me to say, winter isn't just about the white snowflakes that romantically fall from the sky.. but winter is about learning to find out how cold it is before you go out (and make sure you know the WINDCHILL temperature, not the actual temperature which does squat for you!), learning to look like snowmen and be like "who cares, I'm not freezing my a** off" (no more of that I-want-to-be-cool-so-I-am-only-going-to-wear-a-tshirt-outside junior high school attitude - I'd rather dress like an old nanny and be warm :P), and learning to walk (yes, walk.. black ice can be extremely devious).
You know what bites?! My car. If I can get away with it, I'll never buy a cavalier. The car is now making extremely LOUD and embarassing noises. The muffler is messed up and there may be something else causing the car to act funny. I seriously thought it might explode or something. Anyways, that means I have to get up early tomorrow morning and take it in to get fixed .. :( there goes sleeping in. *sigh* not one day a week do I get to sleep and sleep and sleep til I FEEL like getting up. Bah HUMBUG! Especially in this weather, who wants to get out of your nice, warm, soft, warm, cosy, warm bed!? Double bah humbug!
Alright. As you have just read, I have to get up early tomorrow and it's nearing 1am. BTW, my body is only starting to get back on track after that 4am-er last Friday. Pathetic eh? Oh ya, one last rant about the weather tonight.. if it's going to snow, at least be warm for a day or so that I can enjoy the snow and go skiing? come'on .. give me a break!
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