Thursday, December 16, 2004

Teachers Lead the Leaders of Tomorrow

Hehehe, I thought this one up while I was trying to fall asleep last night. It's very queer, I'm so tired but I still can't sleep.. ARRGGGH!!!!!

Anyways, if you think about it, teaching is a very important, n'est pas? I would myself, categorize it as one of the most important fields in the world today. Ok, it definitely comes after those in the medical profession, but I mean, teachers influence and shape (as corney as this sounds, it's true) students. Think about it, on average, most of us (us being myself and friends) have been in school for how many years? We start around 5-6 (maybe younger, if you want to count nursery/preschool :P) and go until we are in our mid 20's. People, that's around 20 years of school!!!!! Gah. Gah. GAH!!

On with the topic. Personally, a few teachers have influenced me a lot. My piano teacher of course, a grade one teacher who taught my brother, a grade four teacher that taught my brother (ok, he seems to always get the great ones..but both of those teachers loved me because we were at the same school and I'd always help my brother or something to that extent.), my physics teachers from grade 10 and 11 (the Williams' who I still see cuz they live on the corner of my street!!!), the Crawfords (I think that's their last name, I can't remember, but I had Mrs. Crawford for grade 10 math, and Mr. Crawford for grade 11 math..grade 12 math teacher was a nightmare who couldn't teach, but had the very strong ability of writing a run on sentence that would be longer than this paragraph!!!), and Mme Vautour from grade 7 science who would talk super fast and write superfast so that it was impossible to fall asleep in her class. I remember some other teachers with fondness, but maybe they just didn't have the pizzaazz or the energy and sincerity that these teachers had. Anyways, whats my point? During the earlier years, teachers influenced me morally. The whole no smoking, no drugs, world peace, be nice to others, respect, etc.. went straight to my head and a lot of those values I still carry around today. In the later years (ehhh you know what I mean!!), they influenced me to do better and to try hard. They are also people that you could talk to about your problems and get advice from.

Oh yes, speaking of teachers who advise well, I remember in grade 9, my math teacher retired half way through the year. Anyways, we had a substitute for about a month, and then our new teacher was hired. Low and behold, when I found out who it was, my face went white. Why? Because, the new math teacher was my after school leader from when I was in elementary school and he was in high school!!! It was sooo weird, cuz we were sooooo bad and mean to him back then. hehehe.. Anyways, the first day he walked into class, he winked at me. Everyone turned around and stared and was like.. what the? It's rather funny now that I think about it, because those girls thought he was hot, and there were a lot of snots (people who give airs and think they are better than others) in my class. Anyways, I was always sort of bored in that class, don't really remember what I did during that class, but I think I sort of got the special treatment. I remember talking to Peter (err Mr. Tomilson.. haha) during lunch time. Ah, I wonder where he is now, it'd be nice to talk to him again. It's all still a very strange strange thing, but it was a comfort having him as one of my teachers. That year was an extremely hard year for me..anyway, we won't get into that, its a rather complex subject.

Back to my topic. HEHEHE, I keep going off on a tangent :P Alright. So, teachers have the power to influence their students. Students in turn, ARE the power of tommorrow. As much as adults don't want to admit it, eventually they are going to retire and have to turn the reigns over to their younger generations. SO, why does our education system in Canada suck so bad!?!?! OK, it's not 100% bad, but judging from my experience, there are LOTS of problems. Drawing on the subject of my last post, the whole human rights and freedom of expression thing has taken away from the discipline children can have. I say that because I believe one of the things that would help a lot would be uniforms. Why? Because, uniforms will cut down on the whole "I'm rich and you aren't/I'm wearing branded and cool clothing and you aren't") attitude that students have. Do you know how much TIME and ATTENTION they use up on that crap during class time? It's unbelievable, especially in junior high (maybe highschool too, but I was rather isolated with the enriched courses where students weren't so materialistic). Uniforms might not completely eliminate the problem, but I think it would at the very least control it. The most common argument against uniforms is that it eliminates student's freedom to express themselves through the clothing they wear. B-S! They can express themselves through art, music, and writing. Afterall, those are subjects taught at school, oui? It's not as if they have to wear their uniforms after school or on weekends either. Geesh.

This blog is rather messy and disorganized, but if I really wanted to rant and rave about the quality of education and the social mess our school system is in, I could probably go on and on, and most of you probably wouldn't want to read my blog anymore :P hehe..

Last paragraph about education.. promise! After saying all of the above, why do I want to be a teacher? Well, I admit that sometimes I wonder if I could handle teaching day in and day out. It's a demanding profession, there's no slacking, no time for headaches, not feeling well, or sleepiness. BUT, I LOVE IT. I love the feeling I get when my students are doing well, and when I get feedback about how they students love me. (sorry, that sounds rather conceited) My mom told me that a teacher from Taiwan, who came over to Chinese summer camps across Canada, told her that she needed to "pei yang" (encourage) me to become a teacher because I would be a great teacher. I was really surprised when I heard it because I didn't think I did anything special with those kids, but hey, I get that feedback a lot. (more conceitedness).. well, maybe its my calling in life, to teach and to influence kids? It's the one thing I feel confident in, that I know how to teach. On the other hand, my confidence is sort of swaying these days when I hear about some really heavy duty type problems at our preschool, like.. how would I deal with situations like that? Then again, I see some of these education students and wonder.. why the heck they don't know these things (such as, if you have a student that is exceling in all the materials you give them, give them something that will challenge them!!).... to me, it's just common sense??! I don't know.. it scares me when I see how some of those students are.. I can't believe that they are going to be teaching children.. *sigh*..maybe thats one of the reasons our education system suck.

Ok, no more of that. I've been pretty good about updating these days eh?? hehehe.. today is our office "party" .. as much as you can "party" with 5 people. We drew names for a gift swap, and I think I can pretty much guess who has who. Hahaha!!

I still haven't gotten my Xmas tree up yet.. hehe my good ol artificial tree. HEY, it's better for the environment..and probably saves money in the long term! Cutting down trees to bring inside.. tisk tisk.. trees give us oxygen.. gee.. what happened to green peace? Why aren't they picketing Christmas tree cutting? :P

Last night I think the environmental deamon haunted my dreams. I think I've been sort of bad by not recyling each piece of paper that I could be. I put some in the garbage out of pure laziness (recyling box is too far away compared to garbage can) *blush* Anyways, my dream was that I had thrown out this tiny card of paper, but somehow it resurfaced about 6 months later and it hadn't deterioriated at all. I felt guilt during my dream, and since I was starting to clean my room last night, I dreamt that I put every single piece of paper into the recycling box. I guess my conscience is bothering me. DO YOU RECYCLE?! DO IT before the environmental monster comes and haunts YOU!



At 3:11 p.m., Blogger Keith said...

I think I would have loved to have gone to a school with uniforms in place. I've been told (and rightfully so) that I have poor or no taste in clothing. It's probably true. I mean with all the other things I waste my time and money on, why should I bother making a huge effort to get things that look great on me (assuming such attire exists)? I might as well grab the first thing that fits and doesn't look absolutely terrible. At least with uniforms, nobody else would have had cooler clothing than me from 8am to 4pm.

As far as recycling goes, I recycle cans, bottles, and paper. Almost everything else I do not. However, I draw the line when recycling becomes pack-ratting. That is to say, when I am at a mall, and I buy a bottle of juice and need to dispose of it when I'm done, I often bring it home with me so that I can recycle it. That's fine. However, when my mom buys tofu, she keeps the container, washes it out and uses it for some other purpose. She never throws them away. And yet, she keeps bringing home more tofu. When she runs out of things to use them for, she starts a pile of empty, cleaned tofu containers somewhere. The pile never goes down. In fact, it keeps going up - at an alarming rate. What can I say but "Guess whose brother lives in a house full of empty tofu containers?"


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