Winter Wonderland
It snowed all day yesterday, the really pack-y stuff and with big snowflakes. By 4:30pm, the city had slowed down because everyone was paranoid. It took me 30 minutes to go pick up my mom (which usually takes around 10 mins). Anyways, that evening, it was GORGEOUS. It was like one of those scenes you see in the movies where everything is covered in snow, the world is peaceful, the sky is pink and it's just sooooooooooooooo beautiful and relaxing! It would have been nice to just sit out there and enjoy.. or go for a walk. PLUS, the Christmas lights in front of everyone's house made the scenery even more enjoyable. AH, I wish it always looked that way.. but I guess it's got to be ugly sometimes in order for us to enjoy the beauty of things, right?It's feeling more and more like Xmas. Last year I barely noticed that Xmas had arrived, but I guess I have more "free" time on my hands this year. Ya, free time my a** :P I've still a ton of things I want to get done, but I haven't dared stray too far from the website. It's around 80% completed, but I'm worried we won't have everything in top shape for their opening. Oh well, it's partially their own faults too.
I just heard that Scott Peterson got convicted for murdering his pregnant wife. I was wondering, how come some of these stories make the headlines and some of them don't? I know that people magazine has published quite a few articles about him, and I think the story has even made the cover before...but why this one and not the others? Sometimes you really wonder what this world has come to, why people do these things.. is it in human nature to kill other humans? Or are these people just out of their minds?
Another thing that was on the news yesterday was that Canada is trying to bring those in poverty and included in the Human Rights Act. They say that people who are poor often get subjected to non equality treatments. I know that the human rights act has made Canada the country it is, in that there is no tolerance for racial or sexual discrimination. Actually, this whole topic reminds me of a conversation I was having with a friend a few months ago. We were talking about racism and the world today. Do we think that racism has increased, decreased or stayed the same? I voted that it got better for a period, then it's starting to increase again. I think it was last year, but you started to hear these small stories about political figures making racial slurs in their public speeches or how a country somewhere in Europe was starting up to anti-Jewish again (or maybe it was another race..). I guess it's sort of a vicious cycle. I mean, in school, we are always told to be fair, no stereotyping, treat people equally, do unto others as you would have them do unto you, etc. But then, look at the politics of the world today. We also tell our children "war is bad", but how can they believe us when we have a war going on? Society has changed, and perhaps when our current politicians were growing up, the equality thing wasn't stressed as much as it is now, but gees, it makes it hard for those kids!!
Alright, signing off! CIAO!!
Now this is better!!! hehehehehehe
Anonymous Stella
There's more racism in the world today, because we have entire governments who consider Muslims to be enemies.
exactly. So how is our world becoming a better place? *shiver* it's scary.
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