Thursday, March 31, 2005

It's been a week?

Whoa.. it's already Thursday.. isn't it amazing how nice and quickly a week flies by when it's a short one? :D

Anyway, my long weekend was jammed packed with things. I went to Bangor/Freeport on Friday/Saturday - great weather and wonderful shopping. It was glorious shopping heaven! Freeport had lots of great outlets.. unfortunately, the only downside to all of it was that it was priced in USD and I had to keep reminding myself.. convert it back to Cdn!! Anyhow, I'm currently broke and am dreading my next month's credit card bill.

Had the potluck on Sunday.. thought that I'd have a very small turnout, but it turned out to be a pretty good one! (Thinking pessimistically when it comes to YG's turnouts is always a good thing) We didn't really do anything exciting because some people didn't want to go bowling (!?!?!?!?) and some wanted to play games and some didn't, etc.. We watched some Chinese MTV's which I think that the "younger" gang didn't really enjoy very much. They also had lots of fun with my exercise equipment for some reason..Anyhow, my only complaint for the evening is that I forgot about my cake (which didn't seem to taste that good.. lesson learned: never substitute instant coffee for hot chocolate in a coffee cake :P) and that they didn't finish enough lasagna (into the freezer for "storage").

So now things are settlign down again, and my thoughts of paranoia are turned to Music Festival and acceptance letters. Music festival is in about 3 weeks and I'm starting to be really worried about some of my less-than-ready students. Giving some extra lessons this week and also taking on another two from MY piano teacher who will be out of town for the weekend. Ahh.. another weekend of commitments. Bummer.

Alrighty, thats it for now. Ciao!


At 7:18 a.m., Blogger Keith said...

Hey JY, where are the pictures? Maybe you can post them on the Yahoo group that we never put messages or pictures on anymore for some reason. :)


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