No Name Entry
Yesterday my student was telling me about her trip to Costa Rica. She made me want to go. She was saying that there were animals all over the place.. wild parrots (!!!), dolphins, sting rays (they went out on a boat for "dolphin watching"), monkeys of different sorts, hermit crabs on the beaches, etc. Wow. They even found some fancy shells! It's been a life long dream to find a fancy shell (big one) on a beach. Unfortunately, cold temperature ocean water probably doesn't produce the kinds of shells I want to find... hmm.. I wonder what the science is behind all that (why do tropical conditions create fancier shells??). Add another place to my "to visit" list!The impending Spring season has brought out all sorts of lovely colours (in clothes). It's making giving me a shopping rash... I'm ITCHING to buy things! ahhh.. not good. The colours are the big thing I think. Those pastel colours always remind me of spring (easter too) which brings on this feeling of happiness and excitement. I associate Spring with:
- Being outside in the warm fresh air
- GREEN grass
- Sandals, no heavy winter coat or mittens (or hats and scarves and boots..)
- No more mud puddles all over the place
- Sounds of birds tweeting
- Sounds of windchimes as they gently sway in the WARM breeze
- Flapping of clothes on the clothelines (I love looking at that for some reason)
- Kids running around in the street, people mowing their lawns and washing their cars (maybe I should generalize it by saying people actually being outside and not hiding away)
The list goes on and on. Actually, maybe these are more Summer characteristics, but it still comes back to Spring. Spring is the anticipation of Summer. Summer also brings summer vacation *wink wink*!
Ah, I have such found memories of summer. Not just because we don't have school (ok, maybe a big part because we don't have school!). The other day, I was reminded of some summer outings with my fellow CBC friends (or those that grew up in Canada but were born in China or Taiwan or HK etc.). I was thinking about the banquets we had after a week of summer camp (that at times were torture, but torture we endured together!) , going to the beach and have bbqs, bowling (we did a lot of bowling for some reason), and just hanging around. You know, I really feel lucky that we had the opportunity to form such friendships. Since many of us didn't have relatives that lived nearby, the community was our extended family. Christmas and Chinese New Year parties were like family reunions. Just watching how the community interacts(ed) was really touching sometimes. You see the older kids taking care of the younger kids and also how the younger kids feel comfortable enough to climb into your lap and just cuddle with you (or torture you, depending on who you are). In how many places can you find the close knittedness?? We've established life long friendships, but I guess that happens when you don't even remember when you first met! I actually discovered that I had attended Matt's birthday party when we were little.. but only because he told me and showed me a picture! How weird is that!
Alright. I gotta get some work done. Ciao
I expect each and every one of your entries to have a name :P
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