Snowy Monday
I'm Back! heehe.. that lazy spell lasted longer than expected :P Of course, it's also that I haven't been at work so I haven't been bored enough to want to write.. plus, I found myself BS-ing a lot of boring things lately.March Break was pretty uneventful. I stayed at home a lot and read and watched shows and transcribed a 90 minute cassette tape. Boy, its extremely hard to transcribe when there are three people talking at once!! Anyhow, the interview was about the education system which I found rather interesting ..hehehe
I did go watch Million Dollar Baby over the break - finally. After all those Oscar nominations I thought I'd better go. My brother also highly recommended it and said I'd like it (as much as I don't want to admit it, he recommends good movies to me - though that doesn't mean all the movies he likes are good! :P). I thought that it (Million Dollar Baby) would be more of a commercialized movie, boy was I surprised. I thought it was really well written and acted. The messages were strong to me, usually I can't figure out what they are trying to tell us?! (for example.. what was the real message in the Notebook!?).
It sort of touched home when I thought of the euthanasia. I personally would support it. I mean, its our right and our dignity to choose to die when we are suffering ?? Of course, there's got to be guidelines to what validates it and what doesn't.. but look at the people who have to live with diseases such as lou gahrig's (ALS)?
On the lighter note, Hilary Swank looked SO BUILT in that movie! HOLY COW! Gah! She had man muscles! WHOA. Hmm.. I don't think I'd want to be that built, but it's impressive.. the amount of work she'd have to do to fill that role.. much more difficult than to gain 40 lbs eh?
My parents were in Vancouver yesterday and called to brag about the lovely temperatures. Bleh :P No need for a coat and it was probably warm enough outside for shorts. GEE.. it's SNOWING HERE!! We're suppose to get 2,5 or 10 cms of snow today and may have freezing rain tonight. Wonderful. At least it's not bitterly cold (knock on wood).
So music festival schedules have finally arrived. Wow. I'm going to be really insanely busy if I attend all my students' competitions. I don't think I'll be able to.. so far I think there is an overlap of two classes (since the competitions are spread out across the city). Guess the younger ones win :P Starting to get a bit nervous about them getting their stuff ready on time. Afterall, I would hope that they would have them polished to a shine before hitting the stage. Plus, they HAVE to have them memorized!! (that in itself is a lot of pressure... depending on your fingers to remember the music and not your head.. how dependable is that!?)
Last night I was dreaming of Ipods. Aiya. Maybe its because everyone has one these days.. or so it seems. My brothers nice little mini ipod (he cancelled his shuffle and upgraded to a mini because they increased the storage capacity and lowered the prices slightly.. ended up being an addition $40 to go from a 1gig shuffle to a 4gig mini.. I mean, who wouldn't upgrade? :P). I'm so jealous. I want an ipod!!
Alright.. thats it for now. Ciao
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