Thursday, February 24, 2005


Well, it's not k-os, but CHAOS :P HAHAHA.. err yeah.

This morning started out sort of slow, working away at turtle pace, and suddenly, people, orders and questions started pouring in. OMG. The office was a mess.. things all over the place. It's finally slowed down and things are sort of more orderly now.. ah, this is my kind of work day :D

I've been itching to go shopping these past few days, but when I stop and think about it, there's not really that much for me to buy (a good thing). Not that the mall has much to offer here.... give me TO or Montreal shopping .. and that's a different story..hehe

Speaking of shopping, I'm thinking I'm going to go and get myself a DVD-burner. Ya-ya.. it's about time! I finally ran out of CDs and have been too lazy to go and buy another stack, but my PC is starting to fill up and there's a ton of things that I really should burn and get off my hard drive, afterall, Spring Cleaning is coming soon!

My sinuses have been bugging me these last few days.. I woke up with a sinus headache yesterday *sigh* Took advil and I felt like my body was sleeping the whole day. ARGHH.. it's getting frustrating!! It affects me way too much .. not sleeping properly, stuffy nose, headaches.. ARGH!! I wish it'd go away!!

Anyhow, heard there's another storm on the way, but it won't hit us.. just hit places NEAR us.. must be that invisible bubble doing it's duty again. Hmm.. I'm sort of disappointed though.. snow storms are exciting (if you aren't driving)! In between seasons or weather it just a downer.. if it's not going to storm, make it be spring so we can enjoy the fresh air, bright (and WARM) sunshine, sounds of melting ice, running water (outside), signs of GREEN AND TULIPS!! :D (Plus, I'd be able to start planting seeds!!)

Oh ya, the preschool (which my centre runs) is going to hatch chicks next month!! I'm excited too! Hehehe.. They take 21 days, but it'll be interesting.. the kids are really excited, you hear them talking about it all the time these days.

You know, I always thought working at a Zoo would be interesting. On one hand, I'm petrified of being bitten by any animal, but I think it'd be fun to work with them!? I'm not sure how that works. One of my favorite shows is Zoo Diaries where they go behind the scenes at the Toronto Zoo... too bad I don't see it on very often.

Alright, I'm just typing jibberish now. bye!


At 3:23 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

For a sec I thought you saw signs of Green Tulips...


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