Thursday, March 17, 2005

Happy St. Patty's Day

Opps! I forgot it was St Patrick's day until I saw google.. heheh .. I came really close to wearing my green fleece too... darn.. then I wouldn't have gotten picked on by the preschool teacher.. hehe :P

On the way to work this morning, I was in front of a really cranky old guy. He actually lives on the corner of my street.. gee!! I was slow driving up the hill (going around 40km/hr) because my car was still cold and wouldn't move faster (and also because I tend to drive the speed limit so I'm not a speed demon to begin with) and the man actually HONKED at me!! His arms were flailing around and he was probably cursing up a storm in his car (good thing I couldn't hear him). Boy.. that sort of made me steamed but I tried to not let it get to me. I was thinking, if I actually made a traffic boo-boo than I wouldn't have the right to be mad.. but in this case ..
My initial reaction when he honked was to speed up.. but then I realized.. why should I accomodate this guy? So I went back to driving slowly.. though I didn't have the guts to slow down too much in the case he was a real nut case and decided to ram into me.

Yesterday, we got up to a really warm +7C!! WOW!!! 7 degrees!! It was so nice out! Sunny and everything. People were out in shorts and tshirts, which actually seemed a bit extreme :P I was thinking, Canadians really can be kind of weather crazy sometimes. The slightest warmth will make them shed clothing like mad. Probably why the flu goes around a couple of times a year :P I saw these two guys out playing ball in shorts, tshirts and flip flops.. umm.. uhh...

I'm skeptical that Spring has really come. The lovely sunshine the warm weather seems to be just leading us into this delusion and when everyone gets swept away with it.. BAM! Old man winter will be back to laugh in our faces!

Whoa. CBC Radio is talking about how late teenaged girls should be having children because it's healthier for the population. OMG. 18 year olds should have babies?! GAH!! *shiver*

Alright.. thats all for now. Ciao.


At 9:44 p.m., Blogger Keith said...

Well, the age that people have kids seems to be a constantly changing number. Back in my parents' day, my mom had me at the age of 24. In fact, it was socially acceptable to be married and have a kid at that age.

Back in my great grandparents' day, they were married and had kids in their teens. Back then, it was socially acceptable at THAT age.

And if you go really, really far back, when Europeans settled in Canada, people were getting married and having kids around the age of 12. Obviously, we can see that is not socially acceptable anymore. Some of my friends are getting married now, but the couples are as young as 24 or as old as 32.

The trend seems to be "The longer the average human lifespan, the later it becomes socially acceptable to get married and have kids". Then again, it could also be "Well, we got married at age X, but we want our kids to be even MORE prepared than we were, so we'll try to convince them to have kids around age X+Y instead".

If I were female, I would not want to have a child at 18. That's for sure. But I guess it's only because that's what everyone else thinks, too. I wonder what it will be like in another couple decades or so? Maybe by then, people will start getting shivers when they imagine other people having kids before the age of 30?

At 5:22 a.m., Blogger jaryee said...

True enough. I see lots of people my age with children though.. but then they were pregnant in High school...

I really think that 18 today is too early to have children. Perhaps it was OK back then because society hadn't become so complicated? With that, girls today are not mature enough to be mothers than woman were back then.

Maybe another factor was that status of women back then too. Today, everyone is "equal" so it's not only the responsibility of women to bear children, but also to be able to contribute to their family income.. so.. education, obtaining and advancing in a job..

Hmm.. this is actually a pretty complicated subject!


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