Brr.. It's Cold In Here!
I'm finished at the daycare and I miss the children!!!!!!!Ok.. no dwelling on that, I have to move on to bigger things, right?
Well, on my first day post daycare, I recevied a call from the Early Childhood Centre asking me if I would be available to work a few hours to help them sort out their electronic files (which were in a complete mess). It's now turned in to working 2 days a week for them. SO, if all is well, I could be working full time! That'd be absoluately great - I've been beginning to worry about the whole money issue. Of course, this means, I'll be working at three jobs... mmm
Besides work, I've also become a tad overwhelmed with all that I have to do. CCANB (Chinese Cultural Assoc. of NB) is now into our 30th year of operations, with it, brings a celebration. I have been asked to be on the chairing committee. It was hard to say no considering they only asked a select few to begin organizing. I'm now officially working on that, along with the "website workgroup" and the "program workgroup". Chairing both the program and the general planning committee. AHHH!!!! Oh ya, have I mentioned I've also been recruited to be on the executive of the CCNC?
CCNC stands for Chinese Canadian National Council. They run from Toronto and include chapters from all over Canada - basically the umbrella association of all Chinese associations in Canada. Their main goals are to promote Chinese culture as well as advocate on issues such as the headtax redress, immigration and racism issues, as well as stress equity and diversity. I'm not really sure what my role is in the whole thing, but I'm a tad intimidated at the moment. From my understanding, many of the people who are on the executive, are pretty important people and are quite respected amongst the Chinese community...
Chinese New Year is just around the corner (February 18th for those that don't know), but I haven't really thought about it much. Probably because there are just too many other things on my mind. I think it'll be pretty low key this year.. may not even attend the performances at CCANB or the dinner. Actually, I highly doubt I'll go to the dinner, many of my friends from youth group have moved away, so it'd be pretty sad for me to attend.
Speaking of the youth group, for those that are "alumni", you'll be happy to hear that they are going strong. I guess the few years that they were "lagging" are behind them (for good, hopefully) and things are popping. I have been hearing some gossip about "fatal attraction" and about "giggling" going on between the girls and guys. LOL.
I was actually thinking about it yesterday, and I still believe that the original youth group cannot be beat. Though we were from all over and may not have been the closest pre-youth group, we all managed to form friendships that are still going, even after not being together for so many years. I will always hold my youth group memories near and dear. :)
Alright. That's all for now. I have things to do!!
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