Thursday, January 18, 2007

Extreme Weather Indeed

If anyone says that this weather is not related to global warming, I swear...

Last week, there were days that it felt like Spring. This week, we are experiencing -30+ degree temperatures (with the windchill) and tomorrow, a snowstorm of 20cm of snow!! (We had a green Christmas and barely any snow this year). Although some people believe that it's a cycle, that we get a odd winter every couple of decades or so.. uhh right. Believe what you want, deny however much you want, but we have serious problems here. I also find it funny because this is the first year I've heard so much news about this issue - which is frankly, pretty sad. It takes such extreme circumstances to make people take notice. AND it has to hit home. Look at the last few years with all the tropical storms we've had and that tsunami. Look at the alarmingly high cases of cancer - how come we aren't doing more about it?!

My philosophy is that people are lazy and selfish. I mean, it's human nature. Heck, I know I can be! Would most of us walk for half an hour if we could drive? Probably. Would most of us rather toss a piece of paper into the garbage can that is next to our feet or get up and put it into the recycling box? I mean, one of the things I've been trying to do this year is to turn off my PC when I'm not using it for a few hours at a time.

Ok, I need to leave now. That's my little rant. Ciao


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