Sunday, December 31, 2006

Farewell 2006, WELCOME 2007!!!

Yuppi!!! Today is the last day of 2006! I'm putting a lot of hope into 2007. For me, it will be a fresh beginning. I am greatly looking forward to putting a lot of negativity behind me. A new year brings new opportunities, new experiences, new outlooks and perhaps new LUCK?? :D Anyway, what I'm really saying, is that by this time next year, I hope to be employed and have a better idea of where my future is going (i.e., where I'll be settling down?). Out of inspiration from a friend who wrote a summary of her year, here goes mine:

Memorable Moments:

-Chinese New Year in Ottawa. Spending the day in Barhaven (fondly known as Farhaven) cooking, hanging around and enjoying. My friends and I all dressed in red...

-Running my first marathon (perhaps my last?). Without any training, I ran an 8km marathon in the middle of the winter. Many firsts for me there: Running outside in the winter, running 8km, and running a marathon!! I was so proud of myself :)

-Beginning and completing my second practicum. My second practicum experience was so much more exciting and reassuring that my decision to become a teacher was the right one :)

-In May, my family suffered the loss of my grandmother on my dad's side. She was 92 years old and the last time I saw her, I was 18. I am spending the last few moments of 2006 remembering her.

-Graduating for the 2nd time. This time a fancier affair - at the NAC. Yuppi! It was more memorable because my family had to make a 11 hour drive to attend, my uncle had to drive in from Toronto, and I got roses from CE & Turtle ;)

-Moving out of my apartment and into a friend's house. OMG. A day I will never forget. It was hot, humid and exhausting. (We got up at 6am to send a friend off to the airport, came back, had breakfast, moved one friend out of the house I was moving into and into his new house, and moved me out of my apartment and into my new location...)

-Canada day in the capital. Finally! After spending so many national holidays in a tiny city, it was time for the big guns.. I wasn't disappointed.

-Taking a "day trip" to Calgary. HA! A very long day, but a day that uplifted my spirits when I found out that I had been accepted into the hiring pool at the Calgary board of education. :) Not that anything came out of it (yet??)... but all the same, it was an experience I will never forget. After all, it was my first teacher interview and it was rigorous!

-Deciding to move back to Fredericton. A horribly difficult decision for me, but a decision I will not regret (mostly because I spent hours agonizing over what to do).

-Spending 1 day at Wandlyn Inn and deciding that I didn't want to work there. The guy who was training me was absolutely cocky and referred to me as "this one" .. ah.. don't get me started.

-Working at a daycare. Enjoying the children but not really liking the whole working situation (again, let's not get started).

There are plenty of more memories, but this post would become very long winded and boring. I'm sure this new year holds many new adventures, hurdles and lessons for me. I believe I will have to take on some things that I've been avoiding for a while, but perhaps it will finally let me be at peace with some things that have occured in the last few years that I still haven't come to terms with.

Anyhow, I hope everyone has a great evening tonight. Don't drink and drive!

ps./ One of my resolutions this year is to conserve more energy. My contribution to helping reduce green house gas. I hope you consider the environment when you make your resolutions this year :)


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