Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Blog Philosophy

The other day, I was thinking of the whole idea of blogging. It's funny, because I think there are quite a few people out there that frown upon it or even scorn it. I'm not saying that they have no point when the say that blogs are just an invasion of privacy, and why do people publicize their lives to strangers - but I feel the need to defend it (I wonder why) or moreso, myself for my blogging reasons.

I blog for two purposes: 1. To let those that I don't see very often keep up with the comings and goings of my "exciting" life and 2. To rant and rave (i.e. complain and whine) about things that are on my mind. SO THERE.

Anyways, I mentioned the two opportunities that I had - yes, that's past tense. One is definitely gone - they claim that they suddenly had a budget cut and are only hiring teachers with experience; and the second (the Red Cow technologies one) .. I think it's a dead end. Anyways, I'm trying to fight the feeling of hopelessness again.. I will try to keep it at bay for as long as possible. I am just desperately afraid that I will never land a permanent teaching job.... (so far, reports are not promising - the OCT (Ontario College of Teachers) released a report saying that it takes approximately 3-5 years to land an elementary teaching position..).. OMG. The big thing is, I think this is only stating from a supply teacher's perspective.. so if I don't get more experience, I'll definitely not be considered.

My time at the daycare is coming to a close. Next week is the last week. I'm looking forward to it, yet also starting to wonder what it will be like not to see some of those cutie pies all the time.

Some stories:
1. One little girl's grandparents visited over the holidays, and while her grandfather was driving her somewhere, he looked back over his shoulder to see if she was alright. She then said to him "Watch the Road Chuckie!!!" (For some reason, she calls him Chuckie - I assume his name is Chuck or Charles..)

2. One little girl received a tickle me Elmo and this singing dog for Christmas. Absolutely freaks her out. She will tickle her Elmo and run away really quickly.

3. The girls apparantly all got "lip stick" for Christmas. I assume this means that they all received lip balm. Hahah..

4. Ask one little girl what is in her tummy, she will tell you "baby is in there".

Potty Talk:
5. When I asked one little girl where she was going to have her bowel movement, she replied "On mummy's floor"!!!!!

6. If you ask one girl to be patient, she will link her hands together, put them on the table or her lap and sing (with eyes moving back and forth) "I am being patient, I am being patient, I am being patient..." ...

7. One little boy told one of us "It's not so easy for me to pee, my penis isn't as long as his!!"

8. One little girl does not like to have bowel movements and so she's recently been put on fish oil as a laxative. You can tell she needs to go when her dance (which seems like some sort of latin dance since her feet move extremely fast and she twists really quickly) speeds up.

9. One little girl had an accidental bowel movement in her pants, when I took her to the washroom to change her, she said "Sowee Iwene!!" and "don't say yucky" (though I didn't?!?)

That's it for now..ciao!


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