Time Flies - As Always
I was just browsing, and somehow ended up at the FHS website. After reading some of the entries in the guestbook from my graduating class, I had to dig up the old yearbook to figure out if I even knew some of these people (which I didn't). It also came upon me that we are at the halfway mark to the 10 year reunion. hmm.. by the time that rolls around, we will all be 28. I will probably have moved away from Fton by then. I wonder if I'll even bother to attend? At the moment, I'm thinking it would be interesting to see how people turned out. Back in 2000, I probably wouldn't have thought of attending because the people I'm close with, I keep in touch with! But, as we all know, as time passes, people lose touch and you start to miss some of the people that you never thought you'd miss (??). I guess for the most part, I'd really like to catch up with my elementary school classmates. Afterall, going through three years together (if not more) makes you all pretty close when you embark upon Junior High School. I see a couple of them around but there's usually not much time to stop and chat. I guess both parties feel it'd be awkward to say "lets get together for coffee sometime and catch up" after not really talking for .. 10-12 years!? I do really wish to talk to them though .. all of them!I also came upon my elementary school's website. I was looking at the staff list and was surprised to see that some of the teachers/staff that were there when I was in that school are still there now! Wow! I am sort of wondering how weird it'd be for me to email some of my old teachers.. in particular, I'd like to email my old math teacher that initially was my YMCA afterschool coordinator.. (Coincidentally, I discovered that one of the professors I work for had him in one of her classes, but I never saw him come into the office and I only found out at the end of the term when I was helping her compile her grades).
That's all for now. Ciao
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