Sunday, April 23, 2006


It's been a while since I've properly written here, so hopefully I do better today :)

Time has flown (as I keep mentioning) and I officially finished practicum on Friday. The students presented me with a Good Bye card that they had made and all signed. I got some hugs from most of the girls and some of the boys (surprisingly!) came up to me and said thank you for helping them. AWW! I think I would have been much more sad if I knew I wasn't going to be volunteering at the school later! (I'm scheduled to go back and help them with EQAO which is Ontario's provincial testing as well as go along on a few field trips with them). My mentor teacher Kristi, brought in cupcakes for everyone. I'm so thankful to have been placed in her class - I think our personalities and teaching ideals were well matched and the students are so curious and friendly (even though they are very low).

Yesterday, we were at the Wind Warriors 2006 competition. Hopefully I can find a newspaper or something to see whether any of them made it in. We came in 2nd for the highest voltage generated - yay! We could have potentially beat the first place people too because the amount of voltage (1.1 or something like that) was lower than what we actually were able to generate at home. Oh well, it was great that they got the recognition (though they didn't build most of it! (time restrictions... really!)) and that they got some exposure to a environmental fair because most of these students would have never gone to something like this on their own. I do believe that most of them learned a thing or two too! Heck, I learned a lot from this experience!

Besides practicum, I've been busy preparing my teacher's portfolio. I think it looks pretty good if I do say so myself! After this last practicum, I'm feeling much more confident about my abilities as a teacher :)

Ok, back to what I was saying.. lately, I've been thinking a lot abouto the pending trip to Malaysia. So far, my parents are scheduled to go back for a trip next year and say that they want my brother and I to go as well. My grandparents health is not great and they want us to see everyone after not being back for 6 (going on 7) years now. In addition, last Friday marked a very sad day and it's made me really stop and think about my relatives.. so many changes - mostly sorrowful ones in the past few years. I still wonder what it would have been like if we had grown up closer to them rather then be the distant "stranger" cousins half way across the world? :(

Anyway, on a brighter note, for convocation (scheduled for June 7th, 2006), my Uncle in Scarborough has planned to attend and insists that he will be back from Malaysia in time to be here. Makes me feel very special :) Anyhow, I'm looking forward to being a full fledged teacher and getting my 2nd degree..hehehehe!! (Will there be another one?? Hopefully in the FUTURE but not right away!!)

Alright, I think this has been a good start for updates. I must get moving as my friends will be here any minute to pick me up for dinner!! (First real time out since Friday..hehehe).

Ciao and keep your fingers crossed that the weather will improve!



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