Tuesday, October 04, 2005

October is here!?

Man.. fall is here! I know I say I hardly believe that time passes so fast all the time but I don't really feel like it's been THAT fast this time. I feel like I've been in Ottawa for quite a long time but in reality, it's only been about 2 months. The thing that I can't really believe is that practicum is sneaking up on us.. I'm sort of pretending that I'll get Thursdays and Fridays off every week until the end of the year (I wish!).

School is starting to get supremely busy with all our readings and projects. I feel like I'm drowning! It wouldn't be so bad if we didn't have so much reading to get done each week.. ahhh..

This long weekend will probably be spent doing some work and taking it easy. I'm trying to get as much accomplished during the week as possible so that I can relax a bit over the weekend. Gotta keep in mind it's only 1 extra day off!

Nothing extraordinary has been going on lately.. just discovering some new places in Ottawa (slowly) and am still finding the city interesting and nice. Anyways, I'm going to keep this post short - better get back to work! I just thought I'd post something since it's been a while and I didn't want people to think I had disappeared! :)

BTW, Happy Birthday to all of my friends who have had/having birthdays in Sept and October (holy cow there are a lot of people!!): Simone, Clara, Cindy, Mon, Danny, Kwang, Kok Wai, Adeline, Julian, and Wei Ching!


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