Monday, July 30, 2007

Reconnecting with the Past

Last week, there were a few days where both profs were out of the office. As it was hot and I was lazy (the main reason really), I was spending some time on facebook. Now, I'm sure everyone has their own opinion about Facebook, and to me, really, the main reason people are on there is because it's a popularity contest.. who has the most friends, who has the most wall postings, etc.. another reason, which I read from an article and which I agree with, is that people are naturally nosy. We want to find out about the latest gossip and what better way to do it than through facebook, especially since people are competing to see who has the most messages on their "wall"!

I would like to think I'm not snooping on facebook.. but rather, reconnecting with friends I have lost touch with. This brings me to my point. I found a couple of my classmates from Elementary school on there, and have been sent off a couple of messages. One friend (she was one of my best friends way back in Elementary) and I have been sending messages back and forth.. we've now gone into the facebook email rather than post on each others walls. I was quite surprised to find out she remembered quite a lot of things from what I think marks the beginning of our friendship (she invited me on a sleepover sailing trip with her, her dad and her brother!).. and that was back in Grade 3 (so 17 years ago). I'm elated!

This past weekend was pretty warm, I had no energy to move about.. it was all about lazying around and doing the bare minimum. I did get a call on Saturday from my piano teacher (well, former piano teacher really) who asked me to teach one of my old students for a couple of lessons while she was away (when I moved, I recommended my teacher to my student). I had some mixed feelings about teaching again. Not because of the student, I absolutely loved teaching her, she was a great kid and always very well mannered and sweet. I guess the main reason I'm feeling a bit reluctant is that I don't want to do any extra work after I go to work all day :P It's not really a matter of not having taught for over 2 years now, because I'm sure I can pick it back up pretty quickly. Perhaps another reason about teaching piano is that sometimes it can feel really tedious to sit there for hours at a time having one student leave and another one come - and when they don't practice, it's TORTURE!

More exciting news is that my cousin is coming for a visit at the end of September. She has been saying she will come for many, many years now.. at least over 12 years of saying she'd like to visit us. Anyhow, I'm excited! :)

This coming weekend is a long weekend, New Brunswick day. We're heading off to the States for a few days (I'm taking Friday off) and I'm quite excited about that (minus the number of hours of driving we will have to do). We're going to visit NYC and Boston - I've never been to NYC! If only we had more time, I already anticipate not being able to see/do everything that we want to see/do...


At 5:20 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wao..someone's going to NY.. Dont forget to go to factory outlet yeah?.. Your gonna shop till you drop!!!

At 5:42 p.m., Blogger jaryee said...

yaaa.. didn't shop!!!! And didn't go to any outlets!!!! No time :(
Went into one gap store in NYC but nothing was on sale.. so there was no satisfaction.. no point :P
Good thing we didn't go to any outlets.. or ELSE!!!!


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