Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Stuffy and Muggy

The office is so stuffy this week! It doesn't help that I'm feeling tired because I couldn't really sleep on Sunday night.. don't know why.

CCANB 30th anniversary plans are ploughing ahead. I'm finding it somewhat difficult dealing with some of the people on the program committee.. I guess since many of them are older, it's harder for them to swallow that I'm the program director. Or maybe I should say that some of them do not have confidence in my abilities (finding this mostly from those that I have not worked with before). Anyways, I've had one person completely mis-interpret a simple gantt chart and one person propose that he quit the committee.. aie yie yie.. come'on people.. anyhow, it's a learning experience - it's just all rather draining.

Planning a trip to New York this summer.. probably only for two nights though (as if that's enough time). Take in the main attractions and save the rest of the exploration for another trip. It's too bad we don't have a whole lot of time, I would have loved to go to a Broadway musical! Oh well.. you take what you can get!

Work has been somewhat maddening this week.. lots of things happening, but what else is new. I'm probably going to end up staying on for another term (at the very least).. but I recently saw a posting in the Business department that I think I could potentially qualify for.. the only thing is: 1. How do I explain that to my current boss and 2. Do I really want to commit until April of next year? and finally 3. It will mean I can't consider teaching for the coming school year. Not even supply work. I guess that solves my dilemma.

Besides that, I've determined that I need to begin a backup plan in case I need to leave the teaching profession. My employers now seem to think I would do well in the graphic design industry, but come'on, I have no training and don't really have a whole lot of experience besides a few posters, websites and newsletters.. given the competition today, will I really be able to land any jobs!? I looked, and it seems some positions only pay graphic designers $10-12/hr!? EKK!

Anyhow, I'll probably choose something in the lines of Business.. like payroll, human resources, etc.. Who knows. I'm anticipating I'll need to take some more courses.. community college courses that is. I'm hearing that a lot of companies are liking that - besides, University just teaches theory, plus, I've "been there, done that"X2.

Alright. I just thought I would update a bit. I've been rather lazy for a long while.


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