Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Goodbye 2005!

Hmm.. is it already time to say toodles to 2005? Boy.. where did this year go? Seems like so much has changed since last year at this time!

Time has sort of strolled along and I've been home for a little over a week now. Met up with some high school friends last week for dinner, went into work for a day, volunteered at the 4 year old classroom for a day, went to lunch with some youth group members (old and current), and went to see Memoires of a Geisha with Jeff & Nancy last week as well. (Not a bad movie!)

Still have plans to meet up with a couple of other friends and have lunch with my colleagues from last year - looking forward to meeting a new baby of one of my old co-workers! Besides that, I don't really have any spectacular plans.. probably should really get cracking at working on my resume, cover letters, and interview question responses. There's going to be a job fair in late January so I was hoping to prepare myself over the holidays for any on the spot interviews.. *sigh*.. my brain is so not there right now!

I went shopping with my brother this morning.. you know, hit those boxing day sales. BLEH.. madness. Well, actually, it wasn't as bad as I anticipated, but I wasn't feeling all that great this morning (headache + lack of food) so it wasn't a very merry trip. I also ran into quite a few people at the mall.... Anyways, my main focus is that I didn't buy anything!! There wasn't much there that peaked my interest so I remained empty handed until Walmart where I proceeded to buy some everyday necessities.

It's been a very strange holiday. Maybe it was because there wasn't much time this year to prepare for the holidays, but it was very straight forward and very little fuss. My family exchanged some gifts, we didn't put up the Christmas tree, and we didn't really make a big deal about the meal either (even though we did have some turkey). I'm expecting that New Year's will be very similar....

Anyhow, that's basically been my week. Nothing overly exciting happening on my end.. just a whole lot of laziness! Well, if there's been no word from me here before Dec 31st, I'm wishing everyone a very happy new year with lots of happiness, good health and luck (that accounts for prosperity - hit the casinos, buy your 649 tickets!!)!!


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