Saturday, July 01, 2006

Happy Canada Day

Well, it's that day of the year again. Our nation's birthday. This year, I'm actually in the capital! I'll be heading downtown in a bit to see what's going on.. maybe catch a glimpse of the prime minister and governor general?

It's hard to believe that this time last year I was driving to some city to do a mini parade.. hmm.. I can't even remember what city it was?? Anyhow, I find myself missing the CCANB crowd today as I know they are getting ready to participate in the Canada Day parade in Fredericton again. I think another reason I miss all of the excitement is because I ran into the Meng family (Patricia & Julian) at Loblaws the other night - what a coincidence and how nice it was to see some familiar faces!

The other thing I have to report is that I went jogging on Thursday evening (5km), boy, it was an insane distance to take on when I haven't been to the gym for over 2 months! I'm still aching today :P Actually, that's not what I have to report, I had to report that while jogging, I came across an insane man who was shouting obscene things at me and my friend because we are Chinese!!! He was saying to his dog to hurry up or "those Chinks are going to eat you".. (add a few swear words in there). I was shocked. Then as we kept walking, he kept going!! I was starting to feel my blood boil.. really, really tempted to turn around and yell at him, but decided it was probably unsafe as the guy seemed like he was out of his mind. The last thing he did was yell at us while driving by and shake his fist (or perhaps throw up a middle finger) while he drove away. HOLY COW. Never in my life have I been treated like THAT! And in my ADULT life! I mean, it's not like I didn't know there were people like that, but for him to vocalize that to my face... I'm actually surprised at my own feeligns towards the incidence. I thought I'd be indifferent for some reason, but it turned out I wasn't. I felt fury and at the same time very disturbed .. the incident hasn't left my mind since that evening...

Anyhow, I have to get going. About to leave. Happy Canada Day people!


At 8:11 a.m., Blogger Jordan said...

I think that we're all generally aware that people like that still exist, but would prefer to think that they didn't, feeling that we're above that kind of thing in this day and age. So, we just kind of rationalize them as being "somewhere else" and don't really think about it, and then when one of them stumbles into our own personal sphere it can be very jarring because it's suddenly gone from a general problem to a personal problem.

At 7:08 p.m., Blogger jaryee said...

Well said. I still can't believe it. I was actually really scared that the dude was going to run his can into us before he passed us by. I guess I sort of rationalized in my brain that the guy was a lunatic but I don't think so. Its just still astounding that there are people who are still so narrow minded out there in this day of age...


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