Plain Old Tired
Ooo la la.. it's moving week! Boy.. time goes too fast. In another 2.5 weeks, classes will start :(Everything is pretty much ready to go..only need to pack up a few more items and load them into a truck. I even have a phone # and it's going to be activated before I arrive.. excellent planning if I do say so myself ^_~
We had a yardsale over the weekend.. the weather wasn't very cooperative but it didn't seem to make a difference (we had it under our carport). Lots of people came and we made around $300+ selling off our junk. I was pretty pleased with the amount that got shipped out of here though there is still quite a bit remaining. Yardsales & moving make me think twice of purchasing "junk".. it's such a pain in the neck to get rid of things that you'll never use!!! Plus.. the money that could have been saved ....
I don't remember if I blogged about this, but on Friday, we had our recital at summer camp where all the kids perform dances and sports that they've learned throughout the week. I knew they were going to do some sort of thing for me, I thought it would be just a card and some gift but instead.. they gave me three separate gifts! I got a bunch of roses (with carnations and baby breath mixed in there), a card & gift certificate & a t-shirt with all the kids and organizers names (with some comments) on it. It was really sweet!
THEN, we had a banquet afterwards at Jubilee restaurant. I knew that the bunch of YG people were up to something because they kept asking me whether I was going to attend or not..Anyways, they presented me with a beautiful napkin card (heheh) and a generous gift certificate to either Chapters or Starbucks. Boy, did I feel loved that night!
Actually, last week was pretty tiring. I was low on energy and I think camp just drained the remaining adrenaline out of me. On the other hand, I really missed seeing the kids everyday and seeing the YG members. *Sigh*.. those kids can melt your heart too easily!! Especially when they give you hugs and say that they love you.. *awww*
Alrighty, I'm off to pick up my mom from work..Ciao
This is the blog I was talking about before. I knew I wasn't imaging things. :P Us YG people can be pretty sweet when we want to be! Aren't you going to miss us?
Of course I will!!! come Jamie hasn't said a word.. very unusual of him to remain so silent..
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