Cute Kids, Lots of Energy
It's summer camp week. Boy.. I'm exhausted.. and sore. Sore because all these adorable little munchkins have been jumping on my lap with their bony butts! We come home covered in their sweat (and our own), their spit.. and who knows what else! But.. they are still adorable. It's those times when they come looking for you because they want a hug or they come and cuddle with you that you really go "awww.. that's why I love working with kids!". Yesterday I was thinking about it and there ARE many days when I think !)(@!#!)@(# .. I'd like to spank some bottoms and glue some mouths shut, when you wonder "WHAT WAS I THINKING AGREEING TO THIS!?". Then there are the days that give you the answer, the days where they show you why you are working with them.. the days that they accomplish something and make you proud or the days/moments when they come over to you and tell you that they love you. It just melts me!Time is flying by. In another week I'll be ready to move. It's hard to believe that in two weeks I'll be in my new apartment in Ottawa (blogging from there!). Ahh.. and in another 3.5 weeks.. I'll be in classes :S AHHHHHHh.. I'm not looking forward to classes.. the LONG and boring lectures.. loads of reading and studying... ugh! I can't remember if I mentioned it earlier, but I have classes M-W that begin at 8am!!! :( Most of my courses are 3.5 hrs LONG.. hmm..well, it could be worse, I could have 4 hour night classes like I did with CS & Business.. ah well.
For someone's reading pleasure (he complained about something on my blog today): YG people are great and I love you guys even though you guys kept me awake with the door :P ;)
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